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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 2 0 Browse Search
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r a change of magistrates. His entreaties were vain, as also his prayers, after condemnation, for a respite. 1692. Among the witnesses against Martha Carrier, the Calef, 225, 226. mother saw her own children. Her two sons refused to perjure themselves till they had been tied neck and heels so long that the blood was ready to gush from them. The confession of her daughter, a child of seven years old, is still preserved. The aged Jacobs was condemned, in part, by the evidence of Margaret Jacobs, his granddaughter. Through the magistrates' threatenings and my own vile heart,—thus she wrote to her father,—I have confessed things contrary to my conscience and knowledge. But, oh! the terrors of a wounded conscience who can bear? And she confessed the whole truth before the magistrates. The magistrates refused their belief, and, confining her for trial, proceeded to hang her grandfather. These five were condemned on the third, and hanged Aug. 19. on the nineteenth of Augus