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Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 14 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters. You can also browse the collection for P. M. Irving or search for P. M. Irving in all documents.

Your search returned 7 results in 2 document sections:

(1904), John Adams, Works, 10 volumes (1856), Thomas Paine, Life by M. D. Conway, 2 volumes (1892), Works edited by Conway, 4 volumes (1895), Philip Freneau, Poems, 3 volumes (Princeton edition, 1902), Thomas Jefferson, Works edited by P. L. Ford, 10 volumes (1892-1898), J. Woolman, Journal (edited by Whittier, 1871, and also in Everyman's Library), the Federalist (edited by H. C. Lodge, 1888). Chapter 5. Washington Irving, Works, 40 volumes (1891-1897), also his Life and letters by P. M. Irving, 4 volumes (1862-1864). Fenimore Cooper, Works, 32 volumes (1896), Life by T. R. Lounsbury (1883). Brockden Brown, Works, 6 volumes, (1887). W. C. Bryant, Poems, 2 volumes (1883), Prose, 2 volumes (1884), and his Life by John Bigelow (1890). Chapter 6. H. C. Goddard, Studies in New England Transcendentalism (1908). R. W. Emerson, Works, 12 volumes (Centenary edition, 1903), Journal, 10 volumes (1909-1914), his Life by J. E. Cabot, 2 volumes (1887), by R. Garnett (1887), by G. E. Wo
Alcott, Bronson, 118, 119, 139-140 Aldrich, T. B., 256-57 Alhambra, the, Irving 91 Allen, J. L., 247 American Anthology, Stedman 256 American characterisal at Springfield, the, Longfellow 156 Assignation, the, Poe 193 Astoria, Irving 91 Atala, Chateaubriand 96 Atlantic monthly, 161, 167, 170, 250, 257 Auto50-51 Boston news-letter, 60 Boy's town, a, Howells 250 Bracebridge Hall, Irving 91 Bradford, William, 28 Bradstreet, Anne, 36-37 Bridge, the, Longfellow gland, 18-19 Cambridge thirty years ago, Lowell 174 Captain Bonneville, Irving 91 Carlyle, Thomas, quoted, 139 Cask of Amontillado, the, Poe 193 Cavels vision, Whittier 161 Cody, W. F. (Buffalo Bill), 243 Columbus, life of, Irving 91 Commemoration Ode, Lowell 170, 172 Common sense, Paine 75 Conquest of Granada, Irving 91 Conquest of Mexico, Prescott 179 Conquest of Peru, Prescott 179 Conspiracy of Pontiac, the, Parkman 184 Cooke, Rose Terry, 249 Cooper, J.