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y esteemed for the integrity and independence of his character. Mr. Sumner married Miss Relief, daughter of David He was the son of David and Hannah (Richmond) Jacobs of Hanover. He served as one of the committee of safety during the Revolution; and died in 1808, aged 79 years. He was the son of Joshua Jacobs of Scituate, who married Mary James in 1726. His father was David Jacobs, who settled in Scituate as early as 1688, and was a schoolmaster, and a deacon in the church. and Hannah (Hersey) Jacobs of Hanover, April 25, 1810,--a lady of strong mind, of an amiable disposition, and of graceful bearing. They resided in Hancock Street, and were attendants of King's Chapel, of which Mr. Sumner was for some time the clerk, and of which the Rev. James Freeman, D. D., the Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood, D. D., and afterwards the Rev. Ephraim Peabody, D. D., were the eloquent pastors. Charles Sumner, whose name is intimately associated with the stirring political events as well as with the