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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 100 0 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 100 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 46 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 44 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 30 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays 30 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 28 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 20 0 Browse Search
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe 18 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 18 2 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, The New world and the New book (search)
emancipate and nationalize American literature, did it by recognizing this same fact. From the depth of their so-called idealism they recognized the infinite value of the individual man. Thoreau, who has been so incorrectly and even cruelly described as a man who spurned his fellows, wrote that noble sentence, forever refuting such critics, What is nature, without a human life passing within her? Many joys and many sorrows are the lights and shadows in which she shines most beautiful. Hawthorne came nearest to a portrayal of himself in that exquisite prose-poem of The Threefold Destiny, in which the world-weary man returns to his native village and finds all his early dreams fulfilled in the life beside his own hearthstone. Margaret Fuller Ossoli wrote the profoundest phrase of criticism which has yet proceeded from any American critic, when she said that in a work of fiction we need to hear the excuses that men make to themselves for their worthlessness. And now that this ea
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, IV (search)
ests of a Jewish theocracy, with the whole work of God in a strange land resting on their shoulders, he would have comprehended the awful tragedy in this tortured soul, and would have seen in him the profoundest and most minutely studied of all Hawthorne's characterizations. The imaginary offender for whom that great author carried all winter, as Mrs. Hawthorne told me, a knot in his forehead, is not to be viewed as if his tale were a mere chapter out of the Memoires de Casanova. When, at tMrs. Hawthorne told me, a knot in his forehead, is not to be viewed as if his tale were a mere chapter out of the Memoires de Casanova. When, at the beginning of this century, Isaiah Thomas founded the American Antiquarian Society, he gave it as one of his avowed objects that the library should contain a complete collection of the works of American authors. There was nothing extravagant, at that time, in the supposition that a single library of moderate size might do this; and the very impossibility of such an inclusion, at this day, is in part the result of the honest zeal with which Isaiah Thomas recognized the importance of our nasce
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, VII (search)
nstance where art was its own sufficient stimulus. In the cases of a writer like Poe, we trace no tonic element. The great anti-slavery agitation and the general reformatory mood of half a century ago undoubtedly gave us Channing, Emerson, Whittier, Longfellow, and Lowell; not that they would not have been conspicuous in any case, but that the moral attribute in their natures might have been far less marked. The great temporary fame of Mrs. Stowe was identified with the same influence. Hawthorne and Holmes were utterly untouched by the antislavery agitation, yet both yielded to the excitement of the war, and felt in some degree its glow. It elicited from Aldrich his noble Fredericksburg sonnet. Stedman, Stoddard, and Bayard Taylor wrote war songs, as did Julia Ward Howe conspicuously. Whitman's poem on the death of Lincoln is, in my judgment, one of the few among his compositions which will live. Wallace, who must be regarded as on the whole our most popular novelist—whatever
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, IX (search)
f the same size, but which has already its schools and its public library well established, and is now aiming at a gallery of art and a conservatory of music. To confound these opposite extremes of development under one name is like confounding childhood and second childhood; the one representing all promise, the other all despair. Mr. Henry James, who proves his innate kindness of heart by the constancy with which he is always pitying somebody, turns the full fervor of his condolence on Hawthorne for dwelling amid the narrowing influences of a Concord atmosphere. But if those influences gave us The Scarlet Letter and Emerson's Essays, does it not seem almost a pity that we cannot extend that same local atmosphere, as President Lincoln proposed to do with Grant's whiskey, to some of our other generals? The dweller in a metropolis has the advantage, if such it be, of writing immediately for a few thousand people, all whose prejudices he knows and perhaps shares. He writes to a p
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, X (search)
f with Milton and Virgil, and only with half-reluctant modesty placed himself below Homer; that Miss Anna Seward and her contemporaries habitually spoke of Hayley as the Mighty Bard, and passed over without notice Hayley's eccentric dependant, William Blake; that but two volumes of Thoreau's writings were published, greatly to his financial loss, during his lifetime, and eight others, with four biographies of him, since his death; that Willis's writings came into instant acceptance, while Hawthorne's, according to their early publisher, attracted no attention whatever; that Willis indeed boasted to Longfellow of making ten thousand dollars a year by his pen, when Longfellow wished that he could earn one-tenth of that amount,—we must certainly admit that the equation of fame may require many years for its solution. Fuller says in his Holy State that learning hath gained most by those books on which the printers have lost; and if this is true of learning, it is far truer of that incal
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, XIV (search)
a reproach against America that men like Tennyson or Darwin have not been born there. Surely not; nor is it a reproach against England that men like Emerson or Hawthorne have not been born there. But if this last is true, why did it not occur to Mr. Bryce to say it; and had he said it, is it not plain that the whole tone and stao in his Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Whatever finds me, he wrote, at a greater depth than usual, that is inspired. It is because Emerson in his way and Hawthorne in his way touch us at greater depths than Tennyson that their chance for immortality is stronger. Form is doubtless needed in the expression; but in Hawthorne Hawthorne there is no defect of form, and the frequent defects of this kind in Emerson are balanced by tones and cadences so noble that the exquisite lyre of Tennyson, taken at its best, has never reached them. I do not object to the details of treatment in Mr. Bryce's chapter, and it contains many admirable suggestions; but it seems to me
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, XVIII (search)
s, referring to the person named, and enumerated in the Cleveland catalogue. The actual works of the author himself are not included. The list is as follows:— Washington.48 Emerson, Lincoln (each)41 Franklin 37 Webster34 Longfellow33 Hawthorne25 Jefferson23 Grant22 Irving21 Clay19 Beecher, Poe, M. F. Ossoli (each)16 Theodore Parker, Lowell (each)15 John Adams, Sumner (each)14 Cooper, Greeley, Sheridan, Sherman (each)12 Everett11 John Brown, Channing, Farragut (each)10 Garr many books written—so far as this catalogue indicates—about the recluse scholar as about the martyr-president. The prominence of Washington and Franklin was to be expected, but that Longfellow should come so near Webster, and that both he and Hawthorne should distinctly precede Jefferson and Grant, affords surely some sensations of surprise. Again, there is something curious in the fact that Poe should stand bracketed, as they say of examination papers, with the Margaret Fuller whom he detes<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, XXVI (search)
ke, whom the fine ladies of the day wondered at Hayley for patronizing, is now the favorite of literature and art. So strong has been the recent swing of the pendulum in favor of what is called realism in fiction, it is very possible that if Hawthorne's Twice-told Tales were to appear for the first time to-morrow they would attract no more attention than they did fifty years ago. Mr. Stockton has lately made a similar suggestion as to the stories of Edgar Poe. Perhaps this gives half a cent, two inches square by which she symbolized her novels. Then comes in, as an alterative, the strong Russian tribe, claimed by realists as real, by idealists as ideal, and perhaps forcing the pendulum in a new direction. Nothing, surely, since Hawthorne's death, has given us so much of the distinctive flavor of his genius as Tourgueneff's extraordinary Poems in Prose in the admirable version of Mrs. T. S. Perry. But the question, after all, recurs: why should we thus be slaves of the pendu
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, Index (search)
erning, 185. Gilder, R. W., 113. Gladstone, W. E., 110, 167. Goethe, J. W., 6, 17, 48, 66, 90, 97, 179, 182, 188, 189, 228, 229, 233. Goodale, G. H., 163. Gosse, E. W., 123, 195, Gordon Julien, see Cruger. Grant, U. S., 84, 123, 155. Greeley, Horace, 27. H. Hafiz, M. S., 229, 232. Haggard, Rider, 14, 93, 197, 198, 202, 205. Hale, E. E., 101. Hamerton, P. G., 168. Hardenberg, Friedrich von, 99. Hardy, A. S., 15, 202. Haring, John, 6. Harte, Bret, 11, 57, 58. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 9, 41, 66, 84, 124, 126, 155, 218, 219. Hayley, William, 217, 218. Hayward Memoirs, the, 82, 226. Hazlitt, William, 216. Heine, Heinrich, 90, 109, 142, 159, 189, 229. Hemans, F. D., 179. High-water marks, concerning, 97. Hogg, James, 169. Holmes, O. W., 54, 62, 67, 97, 99, 178, 205. Holt, Henry, 172. Homer, 48, 98, 114, 169, 171, 190, 217. Horace, 16, 48, 99, 114. Houghton, Lord, 19, 56, 62, 94. Howells, W. D., 13, 15, 66, 114, 118, 171, 184, 194, 201, 202, 210,