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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 100 0 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 100 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 46 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 44 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 30 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays 30 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 28 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 20 0 Browse Search
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe 18 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 18 2 Browse Search
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Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters, Chapter 2: the first colonial literature (search)
h absolute. The political organization of the township depended upon the ecclesiastical organization as long as the right to vote was confined to church members. How sacrosanct and awful was the position of the clergyman may be perceived from Hawthorne's The Minister's black Veil and The Scarlet letter. Yet it must be said that men like Hooker and Cotton, Shepard and Norton, had every instinct and capacity for leadership. With the notable exception of Hooker, such men were aristocrats, hof the theocracy; a clever Pope and not an unkindly one. He seems to have shared some of the opinions of Anne Hutchinson, though he pronounced the sentence of admonition against her, says Winthrop, with much zeal and detestation of her errors. Hawthorne, in one of his ironic moods, might have done justice to this scene. Cotton was at heart too liberal for his r61e of Primate, and fate led him to persecute a man whose very name has become a symbol of victorious tolerance, Roger Williams. Wi
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters, Chapter 3: the third and fourth generation (search)
himself. The Magnalia Christi Americana, treating the history of New England from 1620 to 1698, was published in a tall London folio of nearly 800 pages in 1702. It is divided into seven books, and proceeds, by methods entirely unique, to tell of Pilgrim and Puritan divines and governors, of Harvard College, of the churches of New England, of marvelous events, of Indian wars; and in general to justify, as only a member of the Mather dynasty could justify, the ways of God to Boston men. Hawthorne and Whittier, Longfellow and Lowell knew this book well and found much honey in the vast carcass. To have had four such readers and a biographer like Barrett Wendell must be gratifying to Cotton Mather in Paradise. The Diary of Mather's fellow-townsman Judge Samuel Sewall has been read more generally in recent years than anything written by Mather himself. It was begun in 1673, nine years earlier than the first entry in Mather's Diary, and it ends in 1729, while Mather's closes in 172
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters, Chapter 5: the Knickerbocker group (search)
a younger company, destined likewise, in the shy boyish words of Hawthorne, one of the number, to write books that would be read in England. For by 1826 Hawthorne and Longfellow were out of college and were trying to learn to write. Ticknor, Prescott, and Bancroft, somewhat oldend an Old English Christmas, it becomes again a perfect medium. Hawthorne adopted it for Our Old home, and Englishmen recognized it at oncecreate something almost like the perfected short story of Poe and Hawthorne; he wrote prose with unfailing charm in an age when charm was lacis said, by Bryant's fastidious, dignified presence. Not so Nathaniel Hawthorne, who had seen the poet in Rome, two years before. There was a weary look in his face, wrote Hawthorne, as if he were tired of seeing things and doing things. He uttered neither passion nor poetry, bn. Such was the impression Bryant made upon less gifted men than Hawthorne, as he lived out his long and useful life in the Ktiickerbocker c
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters, Chapter 6: the Transcendentalists (search)
e north, close to the rude bridge of the famous Concord fight in 1775, is the Old Manse, once tenanted and described by Hawthorne. It was built by Emerson's grandfather, a patriot chaplain in the Revolution, who died of camp-fever at Ticonderoga. on the wall. Over the ridge to the north lies the Sleepy Hollow cemetery where the poet rests, with the gravestones of Hawthorne and the Alcotts, Thoreau and William James close by. But although Concord is the Emerson shrine, he was born in Bostof his most loyal admirers will admit that such a quest is bound, by the very conditions of the problem, to be futile. Hawthorne allegorized it in Ethan Brand, and his quaint illustration of the folly of romantic expansion of the self apart from thle women. A tedious archangel, was Emerson's verdict, and it is likely to stand. Margaret Fuller, though sketched by Hawthorne, analyzed by Emerson, and painted at full length by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, is now a fading figure — a remarkable w
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters, Chapter 7: romance, poetry, and history (search)
n they were seekers after the unattainable. Hawthorne, for example, sojourned at Concord and at Brimaginative moral romance, The Marble Faun. Hawthorne returned home in 1860 and settled in the Way; no reader of The Scarlet letter can forget Hawthorne's implicit condemnation of the unimaginative. By an incomparable succession of pictures Hawthorne exhibits the travail of their souls. In the But the Norseman would have failed to rival Hawthorne's delicate manipulation of his shadows, and nt of the Maules. In The Blithedale romance Hawthorne stood for once, perhaps, too near his materik is not quite focussed. In The Marble Faun Hawthorne comes into his own again. Its central probled guide-book to the Eternal City. All of Hawthorne's books, in short, have a central core of psrom Bowdoin at eighteen. Like his classmate Hawthorne, he had been a wide and secretly ambitious rngfellow the Poet. His outward life, like Hawthorne's, was barren of dramatic incident, save the[10 more...]
a dinner-table laid for six, and talking of their art and of themselves. What would the others think of Poe? I fancy that Thackeray would chat with him courteously, but would not greatly care for him. George Eliot, woman-like, would pity him. Hawthorne would watch him with those inscrutable eyes and understand him better than the rest. But Stevenson would be immensely interested; he would begin an essay on Poe before he went to sleep. And Mr. Kipling would look sharply at him: he has seen ty impressible. The next sixteen years were full of happy vagrancy. At twenty-two he was editing a paper in New York, and furnishing short stories to the Democratic review, a literary journal which numbered Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier, Poe, Hawthorne, and Thoreau among its contributors. He wrote a novel on temperance, mostly in the reading-room of Tammany Hall, and tried here and there an experiment in free verse. He was in love with the pavements of New York and the Brooklyn ferry-boats,
of political thought. What were the secrets of that power that held Webster's hearers literally spellbound, and made the North think of him, after that alienation of 1850, as a fallen angel? No one can say fully, for we touch here the mysteries of personality and of the spoken word. But enough survives from the Webster legend, from his correspondence and political and legal oratory, to bring us into the presence of a superman. The dark Titan face, painted by such masters as Carlyle, Hawthorne, and Emerson; the magical voice, remembered now but by a few old men; the bodily presence, with its leonine suggestion of sleepy power only half put forth-these aided Webster to awe men or allure them into personal idolatry. Yet outside of New England he was admired rather than loved. There is still universal recognition of the mental capacity of this foremost lawyer and foremost statesman of his time. He was unsurpassed in his skill for direct, simple, limpid statement; but he could ri
o the laws of beauty and truth, the emotions stimulated by our national life. It has been assumed in the preceding chapters that American literature is something different from English literature written in America. Canadian and Australian literatures have indigenous qualities of their own, but typically they belong to the colonial literature of Great Britain. This can scarcely be said of the writings of Franklin and Jefferson, and it certainly cannot be said of the writings of Cooper, Hawthorne, Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, Lowell, Lincoln, Mark Twain, and Mr. Howells. In the pages of these men and of hundreds of others less distinguished, there is a revelation of a new national type. That the full energies of this nation have been back of our books, giving them a range and vitality and unity commensurate with the national existence, no one would claim. There are other spheres of effort in which American character has been more adequately expressed than in words. Nevertheless t
ntenary edition, 1903), Journal, 10 volumes (1909-1914), his Life by J. E. Cabot, 2 volumes (1887), by R. Garnett (1887), by G. E. Woodberry (1905); see also Ralph Waldo Emerson, a critical study by O. W. Firkins (1915). H. D. Thoreau, Works, 20 volumes (Walden edition including Journals, 1906), Life by F. B. Sanborn (1917), also Thoreau, a critical study by Mark van Doren (1916). Note also Lindsay Swift, Brook Farm (1900), and The Dial, reprint by the Rowfant Club (1902). Chapter 7. Hawthorne, Works, 12 volumes (1882), Life by G. E. Woodberry (1902). Longfellow, Works, 11 volumes (1886), Life by Samuel Longfellow, 3 volumes (1891). Whittier, Works, 7 volumes (1892), Life by S. T. Pickard, 2 volumes (1894). Holmes, Works, 13 volumes (1892), Life by J. T. Morse, Jr. (1896). Lowell, Works, 11 volumes (1890), Life by Ferris Greenslet (1905), Letters edited by C. E. Norton, 2 volumes (1893). For the historians, note H. B. Adams, Life and writings of Jared Sparks, 2 volumes (1893). M
G., quoted, 163 Blithedale romance, the, Hawthorne 145-46, 150-51 Boston news-letter, 60 Bol Goodness, the, Whittier 161 Ethan Brand, Hawthorne 134 Evangeline, Longfellow 155 Evening Rge, 62 Haunted Palace, the, Poe 192 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, in 1826, 89; opinion of Bryant, 105; oleston 247 House of the seven Gables, the, Hawthorne 145, 150 Hovey, Richard, 257 Howells, out a country, Hale, 224 Marble Faun, the, Hawthorne 146, 151 Marshes of Glynn, the, Lanier 255oaquin), 244 Minister's black Veil, the, Hawthorne 30 Minister's Wooing, the, Stowe 22 Mode Sandys, George, 27 Scarlet letter, the, Hawthorne 7, 30, 145, 146, 148, 149-50 School-days, , 161-162 Snow-image and other tales, the, Hawthorne 145 Songs of labor, Whittier 161 South CMark, see Clemens, S. L. Twicetold tales, Hawthorne 148 Tyler, Professor, 64 Ulalume, Poe 1907 Woolman, John, 69 Wonder-book, the, Hawthorne 145, 147 Wreck of the Hesprus, the, Longfe[1 more...]