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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Shall Cromwell have a statue? (search)
n a work of historical character: When the constitution was adopted by the votes of States at Philadelphia, and accepted by the votes of States in popular conventions, it is safe to say that there was not a man in the country from Washington and Hamilton, on the one side, to George Clinton and George Mason, on the other, who regarded the new system as anything but an experiment entered upon by the States, and from which each and every State had the right peaceably to withdraw, a right which was harmonize trade differences; they ended by perfecting a scheme of political union that had broad consequences of which they little dreamed. If they had dreamed of them, the chances are the fabric would never have been completed. That Madison, Hamilton and Jay were equally blind to consequences does not follow. They probably designed a nation. If they did, however, they were too wise to take the public fully into their confidence; and, today, no impartial student of our constitutional histor
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
se with his sabre; and leading a charge, his men following but a short distance, the gallant Yankee captain galloped ahead without looking back, and was unaccompanied into the very head of the Confederate column. Not wishing to cut down so dashing a fellow, who had put himself in their power, no one fired on him. He was knocked from his saddle, however, and might have been dispatched but for Captain Henry Lee, who, observing a Masonic sign, rushed to his assistance and protected him. Hugh Hamilton, an old Black Horse man, and the present Treasurer of Fauquier county, in relating reminiscences of those times to the writer, said, with a smile beaming over his bland but determined features: When we boys were not in the thick of the fight, or engaged in carrying news and scouting, we were by no means supine. When there were no Yankees to watch or chase we would have fun over an impromptu fox hunt, or take possession of some private race track and stake our best riders and swiftest ho
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Johnson's Island. (search)
ion in the South enough money to defray the expense of erecting a marble tombstone at the head of each grave. Only a few of the original wooden headboards are now in existence, and these are kept as souvenirs of the love that the soldiers bore for their dead friends. The following is the list of graves: J. E. Cruggs, Colonel Eighty-fifth Virginia. E. M. Tuggle, Captain Thirty-fifth Georgia Infantry. A. E. Upchurch, Captain Fifty-fifth North Carolina Infantry. J. P. Peden, Second Lieutenant Hamilton's Battery. Joel Barnett, Lieutenant-Colonel Ninth Battalion, Louisiana Cavalry. William J. Hudson, Lieutenant Second North Carolina Infantry. D. E. Webb, Captain First Alabama Cavalry. J. W. Nullins, Lieutenant First Mississippi Infantry. W. E. Hansen, First Georgia Infantry. H. D. Stephenson, Captain Fifteenth Arkansas Infantry. R. D. Copass, Lieutenant Sixth Tennessee Infantry. J. D. Caraway. C. B. Jackson, Virginia. J. Huffstetter, Lieutenant First Battalion Arka
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roll and roster of Pelham's, (search)
s. Wounded at Union, Va. Corporal, Joseph Warro. Bugler, Martin Burke. Lost a leg at Blackburn's Ford, Va. Bugler, Frank Willis. Privates. Addison. Aiken, Thomas. Anderson, Arnold, Frank. Baber, 1st. Baber, 2d. Balch, William, Beall, Lloyd. Reputed Captain Battery M, Fourth Artillery, U. S. Regular Army. Bennett, L. Orrick. Bennett, William V. Bollman, J. M., No. 7. Wounded at Union, Va., November 2, 1862, by the explosion of a caisson. Boyd, Hamilton. Died near Orange C. H., Va. Branch, Charles. Brown, James F. Bulger, John. Bunch. Burgess. Burke, Hugh. Wounded at Funkstown, Md. Byron. Killed; place not known. Cahill, Martin. Chapman. Clatterbuck. Coit. Connor. Conroy, Dennis. Orderly for Major Pelham. Covington, William. Mortally wounded near Winchester, Va. Culbreth, John, No. 8. Wounded at Union, Va., November 2, 1862, by the explosion of a caisson. Dillon, Anthony. Wounded. Do
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index (search)
; losses at, 109, 371. Chambersburg, Pa., 266. Chesterfield troops, monument to, 161. Chickamauga, Battle of, 178. Christian, Hon. G. L., 77. Clark, Surgeon A. M.. 89. Cobb, General, Howell, 82. Cobden. Richard, 6. Confederacy Last forlorn hope of, in TransMississippi Department, 117. Confederate-dead in the North, 230; Defeat, causes of, 368; Surgeons, humanity of, 230; gold in 1865, 119. Colston, General R. E., 111. Constitution. The Federal, 8; Washington, Madison, Hamilton and Jay on the, 9, 10. Cold Harbor Salient, final struggle at, 276. Cole, Major C. H., Desperate exploit of, 259. Cooke, Captain J. W., 208. Cromwellhave a Statue, Shall, 1. Crutchfield, Colonel S., 114. Dana, C. A., 99. Davis, President, Jefferson, to Lincoln, 92; manacled, 100; tribute to, 121,832. Dinkins, Captain, James, 185, 205. Dix, General J. A., 88. Dixon, Captain G. E., 168. Dorsey, Frank, 288; Colonel Gus W., 286. Doughoregan Manor, 220. Drayton, Genera