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now and forever, one and inseparable!" No tongue can describe, no imagination can conceive the horrors of a civil war in America among this Anglo-Saxon race. Conceive only that we exasperate each other until a federal army marches against South Carolina.--Georgia has voted a million or dollars for defence. Alabama marches to sustain her sister State. A hundred thousand Southern men as brave as we, men whose fathers fought at Eutaw Springs and Guilford Court-House, who retreated with Greene and stormed the redoubts at Yorktown side by side with our Pennsylvania line, now stand in deadly opposition to the federal troops. And suppose that Mississippi and Tennessee and Kentucky at last, and Virginia, cry out that though opposed to secession they will not see their Southern brethren trampled under our feet. And so millions of men of American ancestry, of equal courage, the picked legions of mankind, the elect of the world, the last hope of bleeding liberty, madden each other and