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The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1862., [Electronic resource], List of casualties in the recent battles before Richmond. (search)
hige, Corpl D F Wright, W B Holt, Jno R Hartis, Otis Monace, R B Perce, Watter Ransom, J J Rulledge, E B Small, Jas Suider. Missing Sorgeant E F Baber, Henry Foster, Stephen Pace. Company D, (Southern Rilles,)--Killed: T J Mc. Bryde, L B Feibler, R M-McNeil, J M Gillis — Wounded: C C Terry, Capt Powell, Thad McCowan, Joe Rowe, P G Thompson, S H Smith, W Swink, A S Connel, G C Baker, T J Bagby. Missing: C Rosenthiel. Company E. (Washington Light Infantry.)--Killed: J S Foley, Leo Goldsmith, g F Bowers. Wounded. Sergt J C Turner, Corpl M Boullemef, A W Foster, J Y Gilmore J. C Lesy, T J McLangidin, Capt J W Chester, Sergt Stephenson, Corpl J M Coleman,--Bridges, Jno Burton, W Hamaling. T A McDonald, W Shearer, Geo Taggerl, C F Westfell, Missing: T W Cocks. W G Cocke, E McVoy. Company F, (Metropolitan Guards.)--Killed, Chas Powell. Wounded: Sgt H Myer, privates Cahon Toomer, Bergen, Arrington, Bonham, Durden, Hausman, Henley, Lorre, Keating, McDaniel, Pringle. Miss