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a, one pound; Charlestown, ten pounds; Meadford, two pounds; and what these shall fall short of satisfying those above-mentioned abatements, made up out of the county stock, either fines or otherwise, as the Court shall please to determine. Provided always, we think it meet that no stop be made of any the above-said abatement, so as to interfere or obstruct the performing of the present engagement respecting those bridges. Ralfe Mousall.Edward Johnson. Hugh Mason.William Condrey. Edward Goffe.Abraham Hill. Joseph Wheeler.Jno. Prescott. Thomas Noyes.John Parker. April 7, 1657: This return being made to the Court, it was accepted by the Court, who order that this return of the Committee shall be presented to the next General Court, by the Clerk of the Court, for their confirmation and settling thereof. Thomas Danforth, Recorder. This report of the Committee was accepted, and it placed the question of the bridges on its true basis. The plan of taxing the county, or
duated in 1642. In the work of fitting boys for Harvard, Cambridge would naturally have had an early and prominent share. It chimes in with this theory of an earlier school that Mr. Corlett, when we first hear of him in 1643, was already in the possession of an established reputation as a teacher; he had very well approved himself for his abilities, dexterity and painfulnesse. His schoolhouse— the first one especially built for him in 1648, not by the town, but by President Dunster and Edward Goffe—was on the westerly side of Holyoke Street, between Harvard and Mount Auburn streets. At one time there were in his lattin schoole five Indian youths fitting for college. In 1642 the General Court made it the duty of Cambridge as of other towns to insist that parents and masters should properly educate their children, and to fine them if they neglected to do so. In 1647 the Court ordered the towns to appoint teachers for the children, whose wages should be paid either by the parents or
site of his house, 2. Dunster, Henry, president of Harvard College, 12, 332; denounces infant baptism, 12,236; and Edward Goffe, build the first schoolhouse, 188; removes from Cambridge, 236; burial there, 236; error in marking his grave, 236; se214; secretary of the Humane Society, 270. Girls, excluded from early schools, 189, 190. God's Acre, 5, 16, 134. Goffe, Edward, and President Dunster, build the first schoolhouse, 188. Goffe, William, 11. Gookin, Rev. Nathaniel, 236. Goffe, William, 11. Gookin, Rev. Nathaniel, 236. Government, municipal, on what it depends, 78; elimination of partisanship in, 78; non-partisanship in Cambridge, 78, 79; machinery of, in Cambridge, 80. Government. of the City of Cambridge, 401-405. Graded schools introduced by Cambridge,in, 95, 316. School Committee, 402. Schoolhouse, the first permanent, 10; site, 10; built by President Dunster and Edward Goffe, 188. Schoolmaster's salary in 1680, 10. Schools in 1800, 33; in 1845, 33. Schools, graded, 33. Schools, p
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Key to the plan of Cambridge in 1635 . (search)
e designated. 1William Westwood. Forfeited; afterwards called Watch-house Hill; site of the Meeting-house from 1650 to 1833.Public Lot. 2James Olmstead.Edward Goffe. 3William Pantry.Harvard College. Uncertain whether then occupied by a house or not. 4Rev. Thomas Hooker.Rev. Thomas Shepard. 5John White. Vacant lot.ore. 16Daniel Abbott.John Russell. 17Thomas Heate.Thomas Marrett. 18Christopher Cane.William Towne. 19Nathaniel Hancock.Nathaniel Hancock. 20George Steele.Edward Goffe. House, but apparently not a homestead. 21Edward Stebbins.Nathan Aldus. 22Timothy Stanley.William French. 23Jonas Austin.Katherine Haddon. 24John Hopkinhn Stedman. 32Thomas Spencer.William Dickson. 33John Haynes, Esq.Henry Dunster. 34 Market Place. Now called Winthrop Square.Market Place. 35James Ensign.Edward Goffe. Uncertain whether then occupied by a house or not. 36Rev. Samuel Stone. Vacant lot.Nathaniel Sparhawk. Vacant lot. 37Widow Isabel Sackett.Robert St
gly in the year 1634, about the beginning of the winter, he embarked at Harwich, having with him brother Champney, Frost, Goffe, and divers others, most dear saints, who afterwards were inhabitants of Cambridge. They were driven back by stress of w. William French. Remained here. Edmund Frost. Remained here. Richard Girling. Remained here. Edward Goffe. Remained here. Percival Green. Remained here. Roger Harlakenden, Esq. Remained here. Atherton Haug planting fields became private property. Thus the Old Field, containing about sixty-three acres, was divided between Edward Goffe, Samuel Shepard, and Joseph Cooke. Small-lot-Hill, in like manner, passed into fewer hands. Farms were granted to suo wit: to Samuel Shepard 400 acres adjoining and beyond the farm of Joseph Cooke; to Capt. George Cooke, 600 acres; to Edward Goffe, 600 acres; to John Bridge, 350 acres; severally about the outside of the bounds between Watertowne, Concord, and Char
, first elected in 1648. June 12, 1648. Upon the complaint of Edward Goffe against Richard Cutter for wrongful detaining of calves impoundem of the said Edward Goffe's, wherein Samuell Eldred witnesseth:—Edward Goffe desired his calves of Richard Cutter, promising to pay all damag never come there again; and a second time, being desired to let Edward Goffe have the calves, he answered, No. The Townsmen, having considered the business, they thus order,—that Edward Goffe shall pay fourteen pence damage to Richard Cutter, and Richard Cutter shall pay for the cos Goodm. Hammond 15 51. Steven Day 50 52. John Gibson 80 53. Edw. Goffe 450 54. William Man 70 55. Ri. Jacson 200 56. Willm. Dixon there was chosen Mr. Henry Dunster, Elder Champney, John Bridge, Edward Goffe, and Edward Winship. The result appears in the Record of the Gethis 17th 12m. 1654, by us, Henry Dunster, Richard Champney, Edward Goffe, John Bridge. These propositions are accepted of and cons
tary Thurloe. death of Cromwell. Whalley and Goffe, two of the late King's judges, visit Cambridge. fragment of Goffe's Journal. the General Court appoints a Committee, to Report concerning the f July there came passengers Col. Whaley and Col. Goffe, two of the late King's judges. . . . . Theythough Hutchinson and others style Whalley and Goffe Colonels, both were actually Major-generals unppear. A principal inhabitant of the town, Edward Goffe, was the namesake of one of the regicides, s 419, 420. it is alleged that Col. Whaley and Goffe were entertained by the magistrates with great he returned in the same ship with Whalley and Goffe. A fragment of General Goffe's journal, desGeneral Goffe's journal, descriptive of his residence in Cambridge, has been printed in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Hisouls. Within a few days after Whalley and Goffe left Cambridge, orders arrived from England foty, for the apprehending of Col. Whalley and Col. Goffe, ought to be diligently and faithfully execu[1 more...]
of a more private or personal character, should not be entirely overlooked, as they throw light on the state of society and the condition of the people. By the Town Records it appears that Cullers of Bricks were first elected, Nov. 10, 1684: Town Clerk, as an officer distinct from the Selectmen, March 13, 1692-3: Town Treasurer, March 30, 1694: Assessors, July 16, 1694. The County Records indicate that Thomas Danforth was Treasurer of Middlesex, before 1657, when he was succeeded by Edward Goffe, who died in 1658, and John Stedman was appointed, who held the office until 1683; Samuel Andrew was his successor and remained in office until 1700, except during the administration of Andros. All these were Cambridge men. In the settlement of the Treasurer's accounts, charges were allowed in 1690, to wit: 52 wolves killed by the English, 20s. per wolf, and one killed by an Indian, 10s., is £ 52. 10s. . . . Paid one half the charge of Cambridge Great Bridge, £ 26. 7s. 6d.. And in 1696,
d the Neck, consisted of woodland, pasturage, swamps, and salt marsh. In chapter II. an account is given of the first division of land on the northerly side of Main Street, into small lots in the old field and small lot hill, and larger lots, varying in size from six to one hundred and thirty acres. Gradually these lots passed into fewer hands, until at length the larger portion of the whole was embraced in three and subsequently four farms. The old field early became the property of Edward Goffe He erected a house a few rods eastwardly from the junction of Main and Bow streets. A very old house, perhaps the original structure, standing on this spot, is said to have been taken down in 1774. and John Gay; by sundry conveyances the larger portion became vested in Chief Justice Francis Dana, who subsequently purchased the whole tract formerly called small lot hill (except, perhaps, a few acres in the northeasterly corner), and several other lots of land on both sides of the highw
ter of Deeds, and kept his office and the records in Charlestown up to this time. By the records of the General Court it appears that on the 8th of June, 1716, Colonel Goffe complained that no office for the registry of deeds was open in Cambridge, being the shire-town of Middlesex; the Representative of Charlestown insisted that hy next; and at the same time the said Andrew to deliver his house in as good repaire as now it is for the use of the County. Also wee have agreed with our brother Edward Goffe to errect an addition thereunto, in length 26 foote and in proportion to the other house, and a stack of chimneys in the midle, and to finish the same as mdue incouragement to continue the same with all diligence and faithfulnes, according as need shall require. Ephraim Child, Edward Jackson, Ralph Mousell, Edward Goffe. On the other side is endorsed,— This witnesseth that I, Andrew Stevenson, do consent to the within named propositions and covenant, as witnes my hand t
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