Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Garibaldi or search for Garibaldi in all documents.

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The world Does move. --Here are a few curious points in the news by the Asia: Universal suffrage is given to the people of Naples. They are requested to vote by ballot, yea or nay, upon the question of a union of all the Italian States, with Victor Emanuel as constitutional king. A serious proposition is made to the Pope to sell out or commute. An attempt is being made to carry out About's idea of a palace and a garden for the Holy Father. One of the old Bourbons writes to the London Times and claims the throne of Spain. A Bourbon appealing to the world through a free press is one of the wonders of the age. Garibaldi takes a railway train as a conveyance to the scene where he fights against another Bourbon, and opposes a Colt's revolver to the old-fashioned stiletto.
The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1860., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
busive and bloody measure is meted out to our countrymen, Garibaldi is cheered on to the echo in his filibustering descent upengaged in quite as fair and practicable an enterprise as Garibaldi. But this is not all. Here is a significant item by the Canadian's advices: The Patriot says that ":Garibaldi has thanked the seamen of the English ship Renown, who served the Garibao fight the battles of a filibuster in the East. Whether Garibaldi be a filibuster or not, makes no difference in this outrathey have often revolted what would she think of an Irish Garibaldi? Let the gallows on which Robert Emmett and other patrioting of Frenchmen, Italians and Americans under this Irish Garibaldi's banner; and what would she think of a French or Americae Constitutional justly says that between the invasion of Garibaldi and of Sardinia there is a great difference; the one, him troops was principally directed against the influence of Garibaldi; now it has become evident that they go to aid him.-- We
Arrival of the Fulton. New York, Oct. 31. --The steamer Fulton (news telegraphed from Cape Race,) has arrived here. An insane man had attempted to shoot the Queen of Spain. Garibaldi's Neapolitan Ministry had resigned. The departure of French troops for Rome had been suspended. [Second Dispatch] Sheridan Knowles, the author, was lost in the steamer Arctic on the voyage from Hull to C ladt. The fortifications of Cherbourg and Algiero will be strengthened. A number of steel-cased frigates are to be built for France. The garrison at Marseilles is to be reinforced. The French fleet has been recalled from Naples. Advices from Syria state that the French had established a provisional municipality at Decralkaishner, and had reinstated the Christians in houses built by the French soldiers. The Paris flour market was high, under rainy weather.