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The Daily Dispatch: June 16, 1862., [Electronic resource], Exemptions under the Conscription Law of Congress. (search)
and their position on the staff of the late Commander-in-Chief of the American armies. Perhaps it did not strike Mrs. Lincoln as an indelicate proceeding; but if it had been done by any European Power it would have been an insult. How would Victor Emanuel like to see the Ex-King of Naples occupying a similar position in the French army? There is a story that the Emperor expressed his dissatisfaction in this matter to Archbishop Hughes in no equivocal terms. It is to be hoped that the amiablerdinary times there would be crowded excursions from the manufacturing districts. This year they cannot be looked for. They will have hard work in all the North to keep from dying from hunger. All eyes are turned to America. The Pope. Victor Emanuel, and all European interests, are forgotten. Prosperity or adversity, peace or war, life or death, depend upon the events now taking place in Virginia and the Southwest. If the North is to conquer, it must be soon. England cannot bear a pro
nd and Spain effected a satisfactory treaty, to which France was not a party. The English and Spanish armies were withdrawn from Mexico, while that of France remained and has since been largely reinforced. It is believed in Havana that the Emperor designs placing the Prince Maximilian on the throne of Mexico, and that with this view he has negotiated a treaty with Austria, which power, in consideration of the elevation of Maximilian to a throne, relinquishes the territories of Italy to Victor Emanuel, and consents to a new boundary between the new kingdom of Italy and France, which will give a satisfactory and permanent settlement to the Italian question. This being the grand object of the Emperor, it is deemed politic to cultivate friendly relations with the Confederate States, who, as nearest neighbor to his Mexican monarchy, will stand between it and the once valiant asserters of the Monroe doctrine. In addition to these political considerations, there are others, of a comme