Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Victor Emanuel or search for Victor Emanuel in all documents.

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1827, a narrative of travels made by him in the United States and Canada, together with observations on the maritime resources of the States; also an account of the condition of their dockyards and navy. Legal Contest of the New Title of Victor Emanuel in France. [From Galiguani's Messenger, June 12.] A curious case was, on Saturday, submitted to the Imperial Court of Aix. In January last a frigate called La Samtia, belonging to the navy of King Francis, of the Two Sicilians, was ent of supplies and advances; M. Serre sold the vessel to M. Oxprano, and the latter disposed of her to M. Petre. Some time after M. Petre wished to remove her from the port, and the French Government made no objection. But the Consul of King Victor Emanuel at Toulon brought an action, by order of Count Cavour, before the Tribunal of Commerce of that town, to obtain, possession of the frigate for his Majesty as King of Italy. M. Petre, how ever, raised the objection that the Tribunal could n
The Daily Dispatch: July 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Yankee Editor Condemns the Outrages committed by Lincoln troops. (search)
A Broad woman. --The Princess Mary of Cambridge, whose betrothal to the Duke of Newcastle has been announced, is a very comely personage, but very stone; so stout, in fact, that she finds crinoline entirely superfluous, except around the bottom of her skirt; and it is said that it has been necessary of late to enlarge the door of her carriage. A marriage was proposed between her and Victor Emanuel, and he was delighted at the prospect of a connection with the royal family of England through the owner of so charming a face as that of the portrait which was shown to him. But when, on his visit to England, he saw the lady, it re galantuomo--himself, no slender lad — he retired precipitately from the negotiation. "I cannot marry that woman," said he, "she's broad enough to sit upon the seven hills of Rome."