Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 29, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Victor Emanuel or search for Victor Emanuel in all documents.

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Protestant Church in Naples. --A few days before Victor Emanuel entered Naples, the English community there sent a memorial to Garibaldi, praying him to grant them permission to purchase a site in that city for a Protestant Church. Garibaldi's reply ran thus: "Grateful for the efficacious and generous sympathy of the English the Dictator thinks that this is a very small return to make for so many services received from them in support of the noble cause of the Italians. Not only is permission granted to erect a church within the limits of the capital to persons who worship the same God as the Italians, but the English are requested to accept as a national gift, the small spot of ground required for the proposed project for which they desire to use it. Garibaldi."