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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., [from the Richmond, Va., Dispatch, March 30, April 6, 27, and May 12, 1902.] (search)
ginia. 13. Colonel, 1861. Commanding Twelfth Alabama Infantry; killed at Seven Pines (Fair Oaks), May 31, 1862. Jubal A. Early. 908. Born Virginia. Appointed Virginia. 18. Lieutenant-General, May 31, 1864. Commanding Second Corps, Army Edward Murray. 1099. Born Maryland. Appointed Maryland. 41. Lieutenant-Colonel, Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry, Early's Division, Jackson's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Abraham Buford. 1109. Born Kentucky. Appointed Kentucky.. Born Virginia. Appointed Virginia. 1o. Brigadier-General, November 7, 1862. Various commands. In 1864 commanded Early's old division, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Had been recommended by Lee for major-general, and it was under770. Born Georgia. Appointed Georgia. 11. Lieutenant-Colonel of Sixtieth Georgia Infantry, John B. Gordon's Brigade, Early's Division, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Oliver H. Fish. 1772. Born Kentucky. Appointed Kentucky. 1
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. (search)
rst Colonel was A. P. Hill), Pegram's Brigade, Early's (old) Division, Army of Northern Virginia. ainst him. On our left all was confusion. General Early ordered our division to retire, and our brying to know that they did not find me. General Early deserved great credit for this battle, hav battle and would have won the victory had General Early not come upon the field. I do not believever, never did, and never will. And since General Early says it was not so, there cannot be a doubburg, to join General Lee. I agree with General Early, that Sheridan should have been cashiered,army; and I go still further, and say that General Early should have had the thanks of the country such odds. And it can be further said of General Early, that not a battle did he ever fight on eq people of so-called common sense ridicule General Early and praise Sheridan. This should be reverVirginia, 21,275. Pond states, page 267, that Early's force numbered 10,015, which is about correc[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.23 (search)
hing up the Valley to Lynchburg. I knew General Early well, and was attached to him by the comrand Rodes' Brigade of Ramseur's Division, under Early himself, to the right, to cut the Baltimore anight I was directed to report in person to General Early, and found him on the roadside just south a position to the north of Frederick and watch Early's left until I was satisfied that he was gettiederick, and waited until I was satisfied that Early's left flank was free. I was so careful as toJuly 11th, I dispatched another message to General Early by a trusty courier, guided by the son of way when I was overtaken by a courier from General Early. He brought me orders to report at once ag as soon as it transpired in Richmond. General Early's attack failed, as I have shown, because ivalent to one whole day's march, and extended Early's time from three or four to four or five dayssplayed on either side, than that shown by General Early in this daring attempt to surprise the cap[18 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
the policy and humanity of such a measure was repeatedly discussed by him and myself afterwards. I kept up the practice of releasing Federal medical officers as soon as captured during my term of service as Medical Director with Jackson, Ewell, Early and Gordon, with whom I successively served as Chief Surgeon, or Medical Director, until the close of the war. A week before the defeat and capture of the greater portion of General Early's army at Waynesboro by Sheridan in 1865, I released the MGeneral Early's army at Waynesboro by Sheridan in 1865, I released the Medical Inspector of General Sheridan, who had been captured by some of our troops in the Valley of Virginia. When, among others, I was captured at Waynesboro, General Sheridan sent for me and after a short talk released me from prison on parole on the same terms that I had accorded to his medical officers. The fact of the release of the Federal surgeons at Winchester in May, 1862, was noticed by the Confederate States Medical and Surgical Journal and by the different newspapers of that perio
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
Talks with General J. A. Early. [from the Richmond, Va., Dispatch, September 22, 1902.] Valley campaign and movement on Washington. Some thrilling incidents. An interesting paper by Dr. Wm. B. Conway, of Company C, 4th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry—Excitement in Federal capital. To the Editor of the Dispatch: General Early's Shenandoah Valley campaigns of 1864 were most remarkable in many respects, and many unsatisfactory reports come to us through Confederate histories concerning these campaigns. I have read a few of these magazine articles from Federal officers giving their side of the question, and at times at variance with many things that came under my own observation, as well as what I have heard from General Early's own lips. During the latter years of his life the general spent most of his summers at the Yellow Sulphur Springs, in Montgomery county, Va., and he was frequently accompanied by General Beauregard, the hero of the first battle of Manassas. The o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The campaign and battle of Lynchburg. (search)
nder him around Richmond were en route to the Valley, and, their destination being changed, they reached Lynchburg before Early's Corps, or any part of it, came up. There was also another small but efficient force which, by almost an accident, wang the movements of the enemy in the Valley, and who was perfectly informed of his designs, gave verbal orders to General Jubal A. Early to hold his corps (the Second, or Ewell's), with Nelson's and Braxton's artillery, in readiness to march to the Sh General Breckinridge at Lynchburg, with a view of a combined attack on Hunter. Breckinridge was to attack in front and Early in the rear. The Second Corps was then at Gaines' Mill, near Richmond, numbering about eight thousand muskets. (Memoir and I am now pursuing. The enemy is retreating in confusion, and, if the cavalry does its duty, we will destroy him. J. A. Early, Lieutenant-General. General R. E. Lee. This report is brief and to the point. It has been construed as ignoring
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Appendix. (search)
y. McCorkle, John J. Nowlin, James B. Rodes, Lafayette P. Steptoe, Jacob M. Christian, John, Hains, Christopher. Hewitt, A. I. Horner, James W. Kinckle, Frank T. Lewis, John, McCausland, Jas. F. Moore, Thomas W. McCorkle, William. Miller, Frank T. Petty, William J. Steptoe, W. T. Wills, Edwin D. Yancey, W. T. Second Regiment Virginia Cavalry. First mounted regiment organized in Virginia. Organized at Lynchburg, May 8, 1861, Colonel J. A. Early, mustering officer. First Colonel, R. C. W. Radford. Second Colonel, T. T. Munford. Third Colonel, Cary Breckinridge. First Lieutenant-Colonel, T. T. Munford. Second Lieutenant-Colonel, J. W. Watts. Third Lieutenant-Colonel, Cary Breckinridge. Fourth Lieutenant-Colonel, W. F. Graves. First Major, J. S. Langhorne. Second Major, A. L. Pitzer. Third Major, Cary Breckinridge. Fourth Major, W. F. Graves. Fifth Major, Thomas Whitehead. First Adjutant, R. H. Ba
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Recollections of Cedar Creek and Fisher's Hill, October 19th, 1864. (search)
Creek and Fisher's Hill, October 19th, 1864. [See article by Captain Samuel D. Buck, Ante p. 104.] I have just read Captain S. D. Buck's account of the Cedar Creek fight. I was there. I wish he could have described the conduct of General Early's Indian orderly, who seemed to have gone wild when we broke the enemy's front and everything was stampeding. That Indian rode pell-mell into the fleeing Yankees, driving them to the rear, when one of them, bolder and cooler than the rest, ating me for? The Yank replied, with his pistol right in the Captain's face, who, discovering his mistake, bade the Yank good-night. I was also at Fisher's Hill when the Yankees pressed me so hard that they caught Lieutenant Spalding, of Cooper's Battery, with a caisson, and where poor Sandy Pendleton, of Early's staff was shot. He had collected about one hundred men, covering my flank, to let me out. M. N. Moorman, Major Stuart Horse Artillery Battalion. Lynchburg, Va., February 9, 1903.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index (search)
R., 74. Cone. A. F 71. Cooper, J. .. 37; S., 40. Corley, J. L.. 62. Cosby. G. B., 64. Crittenden. G. B., 35. Culberson J., 60. Cumming, A., 60. Cunningham, A. S., 70; G. A., 71. Dancy, F. L., 42. Daniel. J., 63. Davidson, H. B., 65. Davis J., 43; J. L., 36; M. L., 64. Derrick, C., 76. DeRussy, L. G., 40. Deveuve. H., 64. Deshler. J., 67. Dimmock, C., 41. Dixon, J., 72. Donelson, D. S., 41. Drayton, T. F., 43. Dubose, B. E., 37. Duncan, J. K., 58. Early, J. A.. 39. Echols, W. H., 72. Elzey, A., 40. Ewell, B. S., 35; R. S., 47. Evans, N. G., 58. Fain, R. G., 35. Ferguson, S. W., 71. Field, C. W. 59. Fish, O. H.. 71. Flewellen, J. P., 61. Forney, J. H., 64. Frazier, J. W., 60 Fremont, S. L.. 48. French, S. G., 52. Frost, D. M., 53. Fuller, C. A., 37. Gaillard, P. C., 37. Gardner, F.. 53; W. M., 56. Garnett, R. B., 49; R. S., 49. Gatlin, R. C., 36. Gibbs, W. H., 75. Gilmer, J. F., 46. Gorgas, J., 48. Gracie, A., 67.