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The Daily Dispatch: July 1, 1864., [Electronic resource], List of casualties in Wickham's cavalry brigade. (search)
ll, Corp'l Young, Pvtes Harrison, White, Jolley, Nat Thackston, S T Wootton, 3d Va cav; privates W Busic, B T Wayland, and Corp'l J T Amos, 4th Va cav. Missing: John F Hill. June 21st--Near White House.--Killed Privates A W Parr and B F Settle, 4th Va Wounded: Sergt Mal Jno Bowling, Lt John Knight, Corp'l R H Walton, privates J Ham, T R Fanquarean, F L Petrick, C Clarkes, 3d Va cav; Corp'l A Norman, Pvtes A A Lyns, J E Larkin, F Edwards, W H Kinnon, J R Martin, L D Biale, H Fones, and F Duke, 4th Va cav. June 24--Near Nanes's — Killed: Sergt G T Funkhouser, 1st Va cav; Sergt J M Lowry. Capt W W Tabbs, privates J M Wright, E Ward, 2d Va cav, J J Paryear, Thos Glass, J C Spencer, 3d Va cav. Wounded: Capt C T Litchfield, Corp'l W Hunter, Lieut J T Leith, privates J P Hill, W. R Roseau G Hardgrove, H. Soule, Jenkins, 1st Va cav; Lts Wade and Conner, privates B D Mitchell, S M Thomas, F D Wheat, R C Newman, J A Kannier, T D Bosham, J P Smith, W A Minifes, S Moore, J J Morgan, A