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to a great extent, and day firing has given way to night firing. This is thought to indicate that their heavy ammunition has been much reduced and their heavy guns endangered. Private Brown, of the South Carolina volunteers, wounded slightly in the foot, is the only casually reported. [Second Dispatch] Charleston, Nov. 11. --The firing to-day was continued slowly from the enemy's land batteries and one monitor. No report from the fort this evening. Federal Atrocities. Abingdon, Nov. 11. --A number of Morgan's men, who have escaped from Northern prisons, are arriving here daily. They state that a terrible system of guerilla warfare is being waged in Kentucky, and that the citizens are being murdered and their houses burned. Privates Tom Carter and James Keller, of Duke's regiment, had been shot by the enemy after being taken prisoners, for the alleged murder of Major Wilman, of the 18th (Federal) Kentucky regiment. All quiet in East Tennessee.