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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 10: Missouri. (search)
al reliance and protection. Their common watchfulness over the arsenal was by no means wasted. Governor Jackson was determined to establish by force what he had failed to accomplish by intrigue. He sent two trusty agents to the Rebel President to solicit help in arms and ammunition. After learning, wrote Jefferson Davis, in reply, April 23d, as well as I could from the gentlemen accredited to me, what was most needful for the attack on the arsenal, I have directed that Captains Green and Duke should be furnished with two twelve-pounder howitzers and two thirty-two-pounder guns, with the proper ammunition for each. These, from the commanding hills, will be effective, both against the garrison, and to breach the enclosing walls of the place. Encouraged by this co-operation, the Governor, as his next step, instructed one of his militia generals, D. M. Frost, a West Point graduate, to assemble the available organized and equipped volunteer companies of the State in a camp of instr
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
t Sumter, 56; belief of Northern aid, 71; offers letters of marque and reprisal, 78; call for volunteers, 79; his message to Governor Letcher, 92; letter to Governor Jackson, 117, 158; speech of, at Richmond, 169 Declaration of Causes by South Carolina, 5 et seq. Dennison, Governor, 140 Dix, Secretary John A., 33, 76, 208 Doubleday, Captain (afterward General) Abner, 29, 64 Douglas, Stephen A., adherents of, 8; his interview with President Lincoln, 76 Dogan Heights, 191 Duke, Captain, 117 Dumont, Colonel, 143, 15 E. Ellsworth, Col. E. E., 110 et seq.; shot at Alexandria, 113; buried from the White House, 114 Ellsworth's Zouaves, 110 Elzey, General, 194 Evans, Colonel, 183 Evarts, Wm. M., 76 Everett, Edward, 76 F. Falling Waters, W. Va., skirmish at, 162 Federal Hill, Baltimore, 108 Field, David Dudley, 76 Fitzpatrick, Senator, 37 Florida, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14 Floyd, Secretary