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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ve steps from a prisoner thus engaged shoot at him three times. Fortunately the police guards were armed with pistols; had it been a rifle the poor fellow must have died the first shot. Think of a man's mind being racked by all of these punishments, for the innocent suffered as well as the guilty, and as frequently, when no one was to blame, were all punished; and it is almost a miracle that anyone should have remained there twenty months without losing his reason. T. D. Henry Company E, Duke's Regiment, Second Kentucky Cavalry, General J. H. Morgan's command. Sworn to before me this third day of March, 1876. will. A. Harris, Notary Public in and for San Bernardino county, State of California. The following statement of Major Robert Stiles of Richmond Virginia, will be received by his large circle of friends and acquaintances as the testimony of a gentleman without fear and without reproach. Statement of Major Robert Stiles. I was a prisoner of war at Johnson's Isl