Browsing named entities in HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks). You can also browse the collection for James O. Curtis or search for James O. Curtis in all documents.

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st railroad made in New England for public travel. Its cost was enormous, and its rails were all laid on granite blocks. These have been found to wear the Machinery of the locomotives and cars so rapidly as to induce a substitution of wooden sleepers. The longest freight-train, drawn by one engine, that has passed loaded over the road, numbered one hundred and sixty-three baggage cars. The Medford Branch Railroad was incorporated March 7, 1845; and the names of the petitioners are James O. Curtis, Henry L. Stearns, Jos. Manning, jun., Daniel Lawrence, Nath. H. Bishop, and Andrew Blanchard, jun. Jan. 22, 1845: The town passed the following: Resolved, as the sense of the people of Medford, that it is expedient that the prayer of the petitioners for a railroad to connect Medford with Boston be granted. By the act of incorporation, the capital stock shall not consist of more than one thousand shares at one hundred dollars each. The Act further stated, If the said railroad shall
ich we can insert, is that of 1850; and it is as follows:-- John Sparrell, Moderator. Jos. P. Hall, Town-clerk. James O. Curtis,Selectmen. Chas. Caldwell, Timothy Cotting, George W. Porter, Treasurer. Horatio A. Smith,Assessors. Samuel Joyish Committee. Amos Hemphill, Elbridge Teel, Henry H. Jacquith, Pound Keeper. John Sparrell,Surveyors of Lumber. Jas. O. Curtis, J. T. Foster, E. Stetson, J. Loring, S. Lapham, O. Joyce, J. Stetson, J. Taylor, P. Curtis, P. Cushing, E.. John Howe1829. John B. Fitch1830. John King1831. John Symmes, jun1832. Thomas R. Peck1834. Galen James1836. James O. Curtis1837. Galen James1838. Lewis Richardson1839. Thomas R. Peck1840. Alexander Gregg1841. Timothy Cotting1844. Alexander Gregg1845. Henry Withington1847. Peter C. Hall1849. James O. Curtis1850. Peter C. Hall1853. Benjamin H. Samson1855. Names of the treasurers. Stephen Willis1696. John Bradstreet1700. Samuel Wade1709. John Whitmore1714. Will
all1763. Benjamin Hall1770. Simon Tufts1772. Benjamin Hall1775. Thomas Brooks1776. T. Brooks, (under the Constitution)1780. Thomas Brooks1781. Aaron Hall1782. John Brooks1785. James Wyman1787. Thomas Brooks1788. Ebenezer Hall1789. Nathaniel Hall1800. Timothy Bigelow1808. Dudley Hall1813. Abner Bartlett1815. Turell Tufts1824. Thatcher Magoun1825. John B. Fitch1826. John Sparrell1831. Thomas R. Peck1833. Frederick A. Kendall1834. Timothy Cotting1834. John King1835. James O. Curtis1836. George W. Porter1837. Lewis Richardson1838. Leonard Bucknam1838. Alexander Gregg1840. Thatcher R. Raymond1843. Gorham Brooks1846. Joseph P. Hall1847. Thatcher R. Raymond1850. Joseph P. Hall1851. James M. Usher1852. Joseph P. Hall1853. Jonathan Oldham1854. Justices of the Peace in Medford. (from Massachusetts Records.) Thomas BrooksMar. 27, 1781. Benjamin HallMar. 27, 1781. Stephen Hall, 3dMar. 27, 1781. Edward BrooksMar. 27, 1781. Timothy FitchSept. 26,
cords the facts:-- When Built.location.building-Committee.master-workmen.cost. 1835.Primary, Union Street.Horatio A. Smith, Galen James, and Milton James.Caldwell & Wyatt.$1040.00. 1837.Primary, Park Street.Galen James, James W. Brooks, James O. Curtis, & Saml. Joyce.Oakman Joyce and John Sables.3454.64. 1840.High & Grammar, High Street.Oakman Joyce, D. Lawrence, and James O. Curtis.Charles Caldwell & Wm. B. Thomas.7568.77. 1851.Brooks, Brooks Street.John B. Hatch and James M. Usher.GeorJames O. Curtis.Charles Caldwell & Wm. B. Thomas.7568.77. 1851.Brooks, Brooks Street.John B. Hatch and James M. Usher.George A. Caldwell.2542.98. 1851.Primary, Salem Street.Geo. T. Goodwin, Henry Taylor, and M. E. Knox.J. J. Beaty and I. H. Bradlee.3375.41. 1852.Everett, Salem Street.Robert L. Ells, Samuel Joyce, and Henry Taylor.James Pierce.7166.57. The town proceeded immediately to the building of a new schoolhouse, on the spot where the Park-street house was burned. April 2, 1855, Messrs. Franklin Patch, Judah Loring, and Charles S. Jacobs were chosen a committee to produce a plan, publish proposals, a
GrayBoston551 267 ShipColomboJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisLombard & WhitmoreBoston578 268 ShipSwedenTurtisJames WilsonBoston140 349 ShipScotlandJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisFrench & CoffinNantucket367 3 PrattBoston687 366 BarkCeresJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisJ. A. McGaw & LincolnBoston387 367 ShipAlabincolnBoston400 369 BarkEdwinJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisWales & Co.Boston350 370 BarkHollanderT. Maiam LincolnBoston438 385 Sch.Joshua HamblenJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisThomas HopkinsChatham70 386 ShipHelen McGawJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisJ. A. McGawBoston590 387 ShipNiobeP. Curtis'sP. CurtisGeorgJ. P. MacyNantucket420 443 ShipJ. H. JarvisJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisSnow & RichBoston680 444 Shipatcher & SearsBoston1000 489 ShipEagle WingJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisTheo. ChaseBoston1200 490 ShipGeorge PeabodyJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisW. F. Weld & Co.Boston1400 491 ShipDon QuixoteS. Lapham'sSJ. O. CurtisW. F. Weld & Co.Boston1400 491 ShipDon QuixoteS. Lapham'sS. LaphamJ. E. LodgeBoston1500 492 ShipSea FlowerJ. Stetson'sJ. StetsonB. C. WhiteBoston1061 493 Sh
. Chadwick, 509. Chairmen, Board of Selectmen, 126. Child, 315. Chubb, 509. Clark, 509. Cleaveland, 509. Clough, 509. Collins, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 93. Colman, 208, 221, 232, 304. Communion-plate, 265. Converse, 3, 36. Cooke, 36. Crackers, Medford, 388. Cradock family, 509, 510. Cradock, 2, 3, 14, 33, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 59, 83, 87, 88, 92, 410, 431, 480. Crimes and Punishments, 431. Crisp, 36, 43. Cummings, 510. Currency, 401. Curtis family, 511. Dady, 37, 44. Danforth, 36. Davidson, 37, 42, 59, 74. Daustin, 36. Deane, 36. Degrusha, 109. Dexter family, 510. Dexter, 36, 44, 139. Dill, 511. Diseases, 449. Distilleries, 390. Dix, 36. Dudley, 14, 30, 31, 33, 77. Edes, 511. Education, 275, 278. Eliot, 37, 511, 538, 562. Endecott, 30, 32, 83. Erving, 176, 570. Expenses, 117. Farwell, 511. Faulkner, 49. Felt, 36. Ferry, Penny, 6. Fillebrown family, 511.