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iven early in the day to destroy this bridge with artillery, but the national gunners were unable to reach it, and at mid-day Grant directed Butler: If your troops do not reach Richmond this afternoon, my opinion is that it will be unsafe to spend the night north of the enemy's lower bridge. I think it advisable to select a line now to which the troops can be brought back to-night, if they do not reach Richmond. This was accordingly done, and a position taken up, extending from the river at Cox's ferry, to the Darbytown road, where Kautz had pushed on to the line of redoubts nearest Richmond. Thus the success of the day was limited to the capture of Fort Harrison in the morning, and a later advance on the right, by which no especial result was attained. The advantage gained by Ord had not been properly pushed at the instant; the enemy was warned and prepared for the second assault; and although the captured work was important, a rebel line of great strength still intervened betw
each Spring Hill in advance of Schofield, they would be able either to cut off his retreat, or strike him in flank as he moved. Schofield at once sent Stanley with two divisions of infantry to occupy Spring Hill and cover the trains, directing Cox to hold the crossings at Columbia, while the remainder of the infantry was faced towards Hewey's Mills, where the rebel army was crossing. Wilson was cut off, and no communication could be had with the cavalry. Stanley reached Spring Hill just ied the enemy repeatedly, with heavy loss. At about three P. M. Schofield became convinced that Hood would make no attack at Columbia, but was pushing his principal columns direct upon Spring Hill. He thereupon gave orders for the withdrawal of Cox's force at dark, and pushed on himself with Ruger's troops to open communication with Stanley. The head of the main column followed close behind. Schofield struck the enemy's cavalry at dark, about three miles south of Spring Hill, brushing the
Schofield's advance arrived at the mouth of the Cape Fear river, and Cox's division of the Twenty-third corps was landed on the peninsula abo, and made his dispositions to turn it. Sending two divisions, under Cox and Ames, to the west bank of the river, and then entrenching two brson. Ames's division was now returned to Terry, and on the 20th, Cox again advanced, on the western bank. He succeeded in crossing Town ebels in his front that no force could be sent to replace that which Cox had destroyed. On the 21st, Cox, still advancing, secured a rebelCox, still advancing, secured a rebel pontoon bridge, and threatened to cross the Cape Fear river above Wilmington, whereupon the rebels at once set fire to their steamers, cotton, and military and naval stores, and abandoned the town. Cox entered Wilmington on the 22nd of February, while Terry pursued the rebels acreceipt of a letter of the 7th, from General Schofield. At that time Cox was within three miles of Kinston, and repairs on the railroad were
de Hampton, 423. Congress, revives grade of lieutenant-general for Grant, i., 569. Congressional committee, report of, on failure oa mine explosion before Petersburg, II., 490. Corinth, movement towards, i., 101; counterfeit defences of rebels at, 104; Halleck's incapacity at, 106; movements preliminary to battle of, 116; battle of, 116, 117. Corse, General John M., at battle of Allatoona, III., 58. Court of inquiry into failure of mine explosion before Petersburg, II., 489. Cox, General Jacob D., at Columbia, Tenn., III., 208; operations against Wilmington, 381. Crawford, General S. W., at Wilderness, II., 103, 106; at Spottsylvania, 142; at North Anna, 228, 230, 231; Weldon road, 515; at Hatcher's run III., 119; at battle of White Oak road, 480; at Five Forks, 482, 487, 490, 494. Crittenden, General T. S., crosses the North Anna, II., 231; at battle of Cold Harbor, 295. Crocker General M. M., engages rebels at Jackson, i., 44; Grant's opinion of, 246; at C