Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cook or search for Cook in all documents.

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Wanted — to purchase servants --1 Woman, a No. 1 Cook, Washer and Ironer, without incumbrance, young, healthy and of good character. 1 Boy of man, to act in the capacity of dining-room servant, attend an office, and anything else his master may require. 1 Boy or man, to act as Nurse and Chambermaid, if required. Apply at my residence, on 5th street, west side, between night and Jackson sts. or by note to the undersigned, in care of Messrs. James M. Taylor & Son, Auct'rs. James E. Goddin. de 17--3t
Wanted. --I shall be prepared to hire for the ensuing year, for the operations at the Carbon Hill Mines, in this county, able- Negro men, comprising pit hands, surface laborers, wagoners and mechanics; also, a Woman, who is a good Cook, Washer and Ironer, and a capable female House Servant, for my own use in the city. Jno. J. Werth, Agent. de 12--ts
Cook for sale. --We have for sale a young Negro Woman, aged twenty years. She is an A No. 1 Bread, Meat and Pastry Cook, and good Washer and Ironer. Pulliam &Co., Aucts., Old Fellows' Hall, Franklin st. se 15--ts Cook for sale. --We have for sale a young Negro Woman, aged twenty years. She is an A No. 1 Bread, Meat and Pastry Cook, and good Washer and Ironer. Pulliam &Co., Aucts., Old Fellows' Hall, Franklin st. se 15--ts