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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Shall Cromwell have a statue? (search)
n's advice to Boswell, on a certain memorable occasion, we should at least try to clear our minds of cant. Many years ago, but only shortly before his death, Richard Cobden said in one of his truth-telling deliverances to his Rochdale constituents—I really believe I might be Prime Minister. If I would get up and say you are the may arise of the motives which actuated those of our countrymen who did not at the time see the issues involved in our Civil War as we saw them. Like those whom Cobden addressed, we like to glorify our ancestors and ourselves, and we do not particularly care to give ear to what we are pleased to term unpatriotic, and, at times, e see things as they really are. Ceasing to be individually interested, we then at once become nothing unless critical. So, when it comes to rebellions, we, like Cobden's Englishmen, are wont almost invariably to sympathize with everybody's rebels but our own. Our souls spontaneously go forth to Celt, Pole, Hungarian, Boer, an
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index (search)
188; Colonel Ridgeley, killed, 215. Buck. Captain S. D., 104, 371. Buckingham Yancey Guard, 154. Buckner, General S. B., 117. Butler, General B. F., 95; at New Orleans, La., 188; infamous order of, 194; Hon. W. E., 860. Cameron, Hon. W, E., 360. Cedar Creek, Battle of, 184; losses at, 109, 371. Chambersburg, Pa., 266. Chesterfield troops, monument to, 161. Chickamauga, Battle of, 178. Christian, Hon. G. L., 77. Clark, Surgeon A. M.. 89. Cobb, General, Howell, 82. Cobden. Richard, 6. Confederacy Last forlorn hope of, in TransMississippi Department, 117. Confederate-dead in the North, 230; Defeat, causes of, 368; Surgeons, humanity of, 230; gold in 1865, 119. Colston, General R. E., 111. Constitution. The Federal, 8; Washington, Madison, Hamilton and Jay on the, 9, 10. Cold Harbor Salient, final struggle at, 276. Cole, Major C. H., Desperate exploit of, 259. Cooke, Captain J. W., 208. Cromwellhave a Statue, Shall, 1. Crutchfield, Colone