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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cass or search for Cass in all documents.

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feeling than that it was the very extremest resort, not to be thought of until everything else within human compass had been tried. It is a mistake to suppose that even Jackson resorted to mere threatening and naked force in 1832. His proclamation is full of the kindliest appeal to everything magnanimous and patriotic in an American heart. It depicts in tones that are almost tender in their manly earnestness the consequences of disunion, and it is well known that measures were taken by General Cass and others at that time to secure the good offices of Virginia to prevent ulterior measures. We need hardly call the attention of the Eastern States to the grand utterance of their great orator, who prayed with deep pathos that Providence might hide from his eyes "the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious Union," and who with a heart stirred to its mighty depths, gave forth that utterance which is written upon the American firmament in letters of living light, "Liberty and U