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Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3 309 19 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2 309 19 Browse Search
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant 170 20 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 117 33 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 65 11 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 62 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 36 2 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 34 12 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 29 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 29 3 Browse Search
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ure, sometimes in barbette, and connected by rifletrench. These works were not extended to the southern bank until after Butler's attack on Drury's Bluff in May, 1864, when the rebels, fearing another advance from the same direction, completed the lded south-westerly to the Weldon road, when they turned to the north, and completed the circuit of the town. In front of Butler, on Bermuda Hundred, the rebel line was extremely strong, and like that north of the James, was intended to be held with part of the defences of Richmond; and, confronted from the middle of June by the entire army of the Potomac and a part of Butler's force, it acquired that character which the presence of a large body of defenders alone made practicable. Forts with vget that his forces on the Shenandoah were co-operating with those on the Potomac and the James. On the 21st, he said to Butler: Further news from Sheridan is better than the first we had. In pursuing the enemy up the Valley, they may be induced to
during the war. While arranging the details of Butler's movement, withdrawing troops from the forts arm. Several hundred prisoners also fell into Butler's hands. Ord, however, who commanded the assaptly with Meade, he rode out at this crisis to Butler's front, visiting first Birney's lines, and ther end of his line. At 3.50 P. M., he said to Butler: I send you a despatch just received from Genees, and then only when we are able to withdraw Butler's force rapidly and send it to you. Butler al and see if an advantage could be gained. General Butler's forces will remain where they are for th desperate, but each assault was repulsed, and Butler retained possession of his prize. The rebel lel War Clerk's Diary, Vol. II., page 297. and Butler reported the capture of more than two hundred ns against those who had constructed it, while Butler pushed out his cavalry as far as the fortificald be intercepted. The local reserves were in Butler's front, even to the police and the clerks of [19 more...]
ee's communications instructions to Meade and Butler geography of country army of Potomac crosses gallant behavior of Egan repulse of rebels Butler moves against fortified works, contrary to orders repulse of Butler criticism of entire movement General remarks on Grant's operations before Pt proceeded to City Point, to communicate with Butler. Had they kept on, before long they must haveeing the attempt to reach the Southside road. Butler moved to the right as far as the Williamsburg bably true with the enemy. .. On our right General Butler extended well around towards the Yorktown n either flank. Weitzel, who had the right of Butler's command, had not been able to find the rebele no attempt to follow up their advantage, and Butler withdrew and awaited further orders; when thestion which had been acquired. In this affair, Butler lost eleven hundred men, of whom four hundred to extensions to the left, and when Hancock or Butler made an unsuccessful advance north of the Jame[3 more...]
ies. Once or twice a week he went to Meade or Butler's front, and sometimes visited the hospitals oy: to this point came messages from Meade, and Butler, and Sherman, and Sheridan, and Thomas, and Ca of the army were constant visitors, Meade and Butler most frequent of all. Admiral Porter, who commmp, while the engineers were sent sometimes to Butler's lines, sometimes to Meade's. The other aides Foster and Rosecrans, as well as of Meade and Butler and Sheridan, so that all should contribute tol not satisfied, and desired Grant to send General Butler to that city until after the election. d by orders from there in the matter.—Grant to Butler, Nov. 1. Butler was known to be decided in judButler was known to be decided in judgment and prompt in action, and would not flinch in executing any measures he deemed necessary at a he shortest time with twelve days rations. To Butler he wrote: In case it should be necessary for yridan retained to watch Early, while Meade and Butler held fast to Lee, left no large force to oppos[1 more...]
hould do so without delay. In answer to this, Butler visited Grant in person at City Point, and recxpedition, an experiment had been suggested by Butler, from which that commander hoped important resng to some preparations Admiral Porter and General Butler are making to blow up Fort Fisher, and whisouth as Hicksford; and on the 6th, he said to Butler: A movement will be commenced on the left to-md south of the Roanoke. On the 6th, he gave Butler detailed orders for Weitzel's operations. Theired to entrust the command of these forces to Butler; for, as repeatedly shown, although he was entf the expedition; and had in fact committed to Butler movements in support of those of Meade, which if Grant had frankly and peremptorily ordered Butler back to the army of the James, to superintendhe Weldon railroad as far south as Hicksford. Butler, at the same time, is holding a threatening at no longer, for weather, or reinforcements. Butler had not yet started for the Cape Fear river; a[10 more...]
of Butler landing of troops reconnoissance Butler determines against assault withdrawal of troocollection of this experience, and returned to Butler, and reported that it would be butchery to assht away from the parapet the flag of the fort.—Butler to Porter, December 25. Three hundred rebel pren before Grant had heard from Porter, or from Butler's own subordinates. Subsequently, he was inclfected, Butler had violated his instructions. Butler, indeed, maintained that he had not effected aertheless, be preposterous to suppose that General Butler was not anxious for victory, or that his g of them, or he would doubtless have reminded Butler of their peremptory character. The order ofve advised him about that. There is where General Butler clearly made a mistake. The order seems tf, he said to the Secretary of War, so long as Butler would be left in command. Grant was always slwhich was mailed yesterday, asking to have General Butler removed from command. Learning that the [51 more...]
ta, then occupy Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, and strike for the Charleston and Wilmington railroad, somewhere between the Santee and Cape Fear rivers. Then, he said, I would favor an attack on Wilmington, in the belief that Porter and Butler will fail in their present expedition. After Wilmington should have fallen, he proposed to move upon Raleigh, in North Carolina. He would thus break up the entire railroad system of South and North Carolina, and place himself within a hundred aor in situations when they feel and appreciate their own ignorance. All men lack nerve when they don't know what to do, and know that they don't. In emergencies, certainly, knowledge is power, and the lack of it weakness. This was the secret of Butler's inefficiency, and this was undoubtedly the cause of what now seemed the timidity of the government. But civilians in high place have at all times been bad counsellors in time of war; and even soldiers of great technical and scientific acquir
enemy in rear. He followed this up by an order to Ord: Ayres's division has been driven from near W. Dabney's back to the Boydton road. The Fifth corps is now pre. paring to take the offensive in turn, aided by the Second corps. Keep the enemy busy in your front, and if a chance presents itself for attacking, do so. At about one o'clock the general-in-chief went out in person to the front to witness the attack, and from there sent another dispatch to Sheridan. I am now, he said, at Mrs. Butler's house, on Boydton plank road. My Headquarters will be at Dabney's saw-mill to-night. Warren, and Miles's division of the Second corps are now advancing. I hope your cavalry is up where it can be of assistance. Let me know how matters stand with the cavalry, where they are, what their orders, etc. If it had been possible to have had a division or two of them well up on the right, . . . they could have fallen on the enemy's rear, as they were pursuing Ayres and Crawford. Grant was
me. He made all his plans and combinations with this in view. The scope of those plans included the entire republic. The army of the Potomac at the East and Sherman's forces at the West constituted the two great motive powers; but in Virginia, Butler on the James and Sigel in the Valley were to assist Meade on the Rapidan, while at the West, Banks was to meet Sherman, both marching towards Mobile. All were combined and directed with a common purpose and a central aim. These combinations were sometimes interrupted or thwarted in their development. Grant and Sherman each met many obstacles before either sat down in front of the strategical objective point of his army; Butler and Sigel both failed in their cooperation in Virginia, while Banks failed to cooperate at all before Mobile. Grant himself entered upon an encounter as terrible as that of Christian with Apollyon in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. The struggle was prolonged and bitter, and the national commander receive
ontier, not only in reference to threatened attack, but to secure the efficient execution of the order in regard to colonizing from Canada for the election; and that I would retain two thousand in New York. If I cannot divide the force under General Butler, two of the chief objects in view will be defeated. I will give General Butler, as is due to his rank, the choice of remaining here or of taking command of the two northern districts of New York and state of Vermont, including Albany, BuffGeneral Butler, as is due to his rank, the choice of remaining here or of taking command of the two northern districts of New York and state of Vermont, including Albany, Buffalo and St. Albans. If his force must not be divided, I will send into those districts the troops garrisoning forts in this harbor, although they are altogether inadequate to the object in view. John A. Dix, Major-General. Colonel Sweet to General Hoffman.—(telegram.) Chicago, Illinois, November 7, 1864. Brigadier-General W. Hoffman: Have made during the night the following arrests of rebel officers, escaped prisoners of war, and citizens in connection with them: Colonel G. St. Leger Gr
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