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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 21: Germany.—October, 1839, to March, 1840.—Age, 28-29. (search)
Bissing, Dr. Frederic Bissing died about 1874. He was second Burgermeister (Vice-Mayor) of Heidelberg, and for many years represented the district of Heidelberg in the Diet of Baden, meeting at Carlsruhe. who has already translated Chancellor Kent on our Constitution, thinks of translating your great work on the Constitution. He is now studying it with great delight. Dr. Julius says, in his book on America, that your work has gone to a second edition in four volumes. Is this true? A Dr. Buss, of Tubingen, has already translated the historical part, and intended to go on with it; but he has recently experienced a political change against democratic institutions, and has thrown up the work. The Conflict of Laws was to have been translated by Dr. Johannsen, of Heidelberg, but he has died; so that project has failed. To George S. Hillard. Heidelberg, Feb. 26, 1840. dear Hillard,—Still at Heidelberg. I trust this greeting to you will go by the British Queen, though I fear