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Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.1, Texas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
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his duty at the frontier posts, returned to Austin and raised companies for his Confederate regiment. He was stationed with them at San Antonio and did service there in securing the surrender of Federal troops, and was the highest officer in command until Colonel Van Dorn arrived in Texas and took command on the 26th of March, 1861. The style of the regiment was First McCulloch's Regiment Mounted Rifles, and its field officers were Col. H. E. McCulloch, Lieut.-Col. Thos. C. Frost, and Maj. Ed Burleson. Governor Houston, while governor of Texas, had sent two companies to the northwestern frontier, one commanded by W. C. Dalrymple, aide-de-camp to the governor, and colonel commanding, and another under Capt. J. W. Wilbarger. Colonel Dalrymple, having received authority to act for the State, and being reinforced by a number of volunteer citizens, on the 18th of February demanded of Capt. S. D. Carpenter the surrender of Camp Cooper, garrisoned with 260 Federal soldiers, which was fin