Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Neil S. Brown or search for Neil S. Brown in all documents.

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th Company.--Privates F Burns and C S Shippey. Wounded. Lieut.-Col. Pyles, severely. First Company.--Lieut Brown, Lieut C L Wript, Serg J Roberts, Serg R Corbyn, Privates D P Hurlbut, B Masters, J Register, M Berant, H McClellan, Thomas Aybar, W Booth, S Brown, R Wilson, 8 Griffith, C W Johnson. Second Company.--Lieut Tillinghast, Serg W C Butler, Corp'l C S Rains, Corp'l R Cobb, Privates A C Butler, T L Darcy, W W Howard, H E Daffin, R A Jenkins, J L McNulty, J R B Owensker, F Bal zell, D L Dunham, J T Hull Fourth Company.--Capt McCartan, Serg M M Alexander, Corp'l H R Cross, Corp'l C M Brown, Privates Jos Alexander, D D Barleson, T W Albriton, E F Lyhea, W H Broad water, J J Anglin, L S Hendricks, E F Williams,John C Culin. wounded in leg; Sergt C H Wingfield, hand; Privates James Collier W P Kidd, and James R Jones, killed; A J Brown, wounded in arm; J J brown, do; John B Dodd Jr; face, slight; R L Dobbins, breast, slight John W Houchens, arm, badly; Ma
The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1862., [Electronic resource], Affairs in Nashville, as described by a Yankee correspondent. (search)
hey think the are without chance of detection of espionage. The Union men say but little, and that, with but few exceptions, at only a half breath, not withstanding the presence of Gov. Johnson and Gen. Dumont's military force. The Union demonstration last Monday was under all the circumstances, a successful affair; but some prominent quasi Unionists did not attend, and they have alone expressed dissatisfaction at the steps Gov. Johnson is taking in making arrests. The arrest of ex-Governor Neil S. Brown yesterday is exercising an influence in that direction. I do not, however, think that Governor Johnson will be deterred from the performance of what he believes to be his duty, no matter what lukewarm Unionists, and certainly not by what notorious secessionists, say. Whatever may occur in, Nashville, whether it may be overrun by fugitives from Corinth or Richmond, or whether it may be preserved to the Government without another exercise of its power, you may rely upon it Governor
Mrs Doel Foster, Halifax, lint. Mrs. R B Raine, Charlotte, 3 pairs socks. Mary Gill and others, proceeds of fair, $100. Mrs Clara Davis, $6. Mrs. Dill, $5. Some ladies of Nottoway, $10. Ladies of Cumberland, through M S Brown, 15 doz eggs, bread, dried fruit old linen, &c. Some ladies of Charlotte, through Mrs Wm. W. Read, 4 Lams jars butter, corned beef pars breed and biscuit, dried peaches, shirts, lint, rags, &c. McHart. Albemarle, $5. Ladies of Blacacks, 8 undershirts, &c. Thos S Wetson, Louisa $29. Mrs E Griffin, 4 pairs socks, 2 pairs gloves G N Skapwith, linen rags. Mr Bow, lint. Contributions for soldiers' Lodge. Sundry persons through ProHoge, $100. Wm P Brown, $13 40. Andrew Johnston, $10. Dr Skipwith, $5. Dr C--, $5. J N Hopkins, $5. Jas Gordon for--, $5. Parties having old shirts and drawers, cotton or linen rags — anything, 'ideal, in the way of Hospital supplies will
the B Lewisburg — interesting account — reinforcements wanted. Salt Sulphur Springs, May , 1862. As our General allows us a short rest at this place, after our recent hard marching and fight, we will presume to send you a short account of our disaster at Lewisburg. On Monday, the 19th inst, Gen Hern ordered the larger part of his brigades, who were then encamped at the month of wolf Creek, to prepare for a march. The troops c of the 45th and 22d Virginia regiments, commanded by Col. Brown and Lieut-Col. Earbes. Col. Finney's battalion two pieces of Otny's battery; Bryant's battery of four guns, and three mountain Howitzers under Captain Dowry, were ferried across New river during the night, and commenced their journey at daylight the next morning. The march continued till Thursday night, when we slept on our arms, about a mile from Greenbrier river bridge, where the enemy's pickets were stationed. About four o'clock Friday morning we drover in the capturing twelve of