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beef, valued at four hundred dollars, the property of Robert A. Armistead, he well-knowing the same to have been stolen. Robert W. McGee was charged with entering the house of Sterling Harris, a free negro, in the night time, under false representations, with the intention to rob. He was sent to the Soldiers' Home to be forwarded to his command. Caroline Wood was fined ten dollars for permitting her slave to go at large. The cases of Ellen Mitchell and Kate Swords, charged with stealing clothing, were continued till the 7th instant. Lucian Sizer and George Timberlake were each fined ten dollars for running wagons on the streets without first obtaining licenses. Joe Harris, James Brown and Jones Brown, free negroes, and William Gray, slave of William Greanor, charged with attempting to run off a number of negroes to the Yankees, were remanded for examination before the Hustings Court. William Henry, slave of John Cox, was committed to jail as a runaway.
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