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es, to form in line for the final roll-call of the day, known as Tattoo. But this was Tattoo in the artillery. A somewhat more inspiriting call was that of the infantry, which gave the bugler quite full scope as a soloist. Here it is:-- Ere the last tone had died away, we could hear, when camped near enough to the infantry for the purpose, a very comical medley of names and responses coming from the several company streets of the various regiments within ear-shot. It was Jones! --Brown! --Smith! --Joe Smith! --Green! --Gray! --O'Neil! --O'Reilly! --O'Brien! and so on through the nationalities, only that the names were intermingled. Then, the responses were replete with character. I believe it to be among the abilities of a man of close observation to write out quite at length prominent characteristics of an entire company, by noting carefully the manner in which the men answer Here! at roll-call. Every degree of pitch in the gamut was represented. Every degree of for
soldier mailed a letter home to mother, father, wife, sister, or brother, setting forth in careful detail what he should like to have sent in a box at the earliest possible moment, and stating with great precision the address that must be put on the cover, in order to have it reach its destination safely. Here is a specimen address:-- Sergeant John J. Smith, Company A., 19th Mass. Regiment, Second brigade, Second Division, Second Corps, Army of the Potomac, Stevensburg, Va. Care Capt. James Brown. As a matter of fact much of this address was unnecessary, and the box would have arrived just as soon and safely if the address had only included the name, company, and regiment, with Washington, D. C., added, for everything was forwarded from that city to army headquarters, and thence distributed through the army. But the average soldier wanted to make a sure thing of it, and so told the whole story. The boxes sent were usually of good size, often either a shoe-case or a co
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., Fourth joint debate, at Charleston, September 18, 1858. (search)
rd for him to bring. When he asks if I am ready to indorse Trumbull's veracity after he has broken a bargain with me, I reply that if Trumbull had broken a bargain with me, I would not be likely to indorse his veracity ; but I am ready to indorse his veracity because neither in that thing, nor in any other, in all the years that I have known Lyman Trumbull, have I known him to fail of his word or tell a falsehood, large or small. It is for that reason that I indorse Lyman Trumbull. Mr. James Brown (Douglas Post Master)---What does Ford's history say about him? Mr. Lincoln-Some gentleman asks me what Ford's History says about him. My own recollection is, that Ford speaks of Trumbull in very disrespectful terms in several portions of his book, and that he talks a great deal worse of Judge Douglas. I refer you, sir, to the history for examination. Judge Douglas complains, at considerable length, about a disposition on the part of Trumbull and myself to attack him personally.
ports of ships destined for the use of belligerents; and your memorialists would further suggest to your Lordship the importance of endeavoring to secure the assent of the Government of the United States of America, and of other foreign countries, to the adoption of similar regulations in those countries also. All which your memorialists respectfully submit. Signed, Thomas Chilton, Jones, Palmer & Co., Farnworth & Jardine, Thos. & Jas. Harrison, L. H. Macintyre, Potter brothers, Chas. Geo. Cowre & Co., M. J. Sealby, R. Gervin & Co., J. Aikin, Finlay, Campbell & Co., Cropper, Ferguson & Co., J. Campbell, S. R. Graves, Rankin, Gilmore & Co., Rathbone Bros. & Co., James Brown & Co., Liverpool, June 9, 1863. James Poole & Co., W. T. Jacob, Henry Moore & Co., Imrie & Tomlinson, Sampson & Holt, James Barnes, Richard Nicholson & son, W. B. Boadle, J. Prowse & Co., Currie, Newton & Co., Nelson, Alexander & Co., Kendall brothers, C. T. Bowrin & Co., G. H. Fletcher & Co., Alfred Holt.
with the idea that we were going on an important mission. Upon reaching Captain West's, a distance of eight miles from Waitsboro, we met Lieutenant-Colonel Adams with a detachment of the Second East-Tennessee infantry, mounted, composed of company G, Lieutenant McDow; F, Captain Fry; D, Captain Honeycutt; and B, Captain Millsap. These had come up from Mill Springs, a little after daylight, and captured five pickets and six horses at Captain West's. Unfortunately, the greater part of Captain Brown's company (rebel) made good its escape. The whole force now moved south, and was not very long in reaching Steubenville, beyond which the rebels seemed inclined to make the first stand. A column of rebel cavalry, with the stars and bars floating, now made its appearance. Our advance, consisting of companies H and L, Second Ohio cavalry, followed closely by other troops, now made at them. Considerable firing followed, but the rebels soon broke and ran. Law's howitzer battery was broug
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces in the operations at New Orleans, La. (search)
          Warrior, Capt. John A. Stephenson         1       1 Stonewall Jackson, Capt. Geo. W. Philips           1     1 Defiance, Capt. Joseph D. McCoy         1       1 Resolute, Capt. Isaac Hooper       1 1       2 General Lovell, Capt. Burdett Paris         1       1 R. J. Breckinridge, Capt. James Smith.           1     1 Total 2 4 4 10 15 2 1 2 40 Unarmed tugs. Landis, Captain Davis, and W. Burton, Captain Hammond (tenders to the Louisiana); Phoenix, Captain James Brown (tender to the Manassas); Mosher, Captain Sherman, and Belle Algerine, Captain Jackson (k); Music, Captain McClellan (tender to the forts); Star, Captain Laplace (telegraph boat). The last four were chartered by the army. Grand total of Confederate guns, 166. Confederate Army. Major-General Mansfield Lovell. Coast defenses, Brig.-Gen. Johnson K. Duncan. forts Jackson and St. Philip, Lieut.-Col. Edward Higgins. Fort Jackson: La. Sco
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 1.7 (search)
ch pivot, 4 24-pounder S. B. howitzers; Conemaugh, Com. Reed Werden, 1 100-pounder Parrott pivot, 4 9-inch, 2 24-pounder S. B. howitzers, 1 11-inch pivot; Paul Jones, Com. Charles Steedman; Com. A. C. Rhind; Lieut.-Com. E. P. Williams, 1 100-pounder Parrott pivot, 1 11-inch pivot, 4 9-inch, 1 2-pounder S. B. light. Purchased steamers. South Carolina, Com. J. J. Almy, 1 30-pounder Parrott, 1 24-pounder S. B. howitzer, 4 8-inch, 2 32-pounders; Dawn, Act. Lieut. John S. Barnes, Act. Master James Brown, 2 32-pounders, 1100-pounder Parrott, 1 20-pounder Parrott, 1 12-pounder howitzer; Mercedita, Com. H. S. Stellwagen; Quaker City, Com. J. M. Frailey; Commnodore McDonough, Lieut.-Com. George Bacon, 1 9-inch pivot, 1 100-pounder Parrott, 2 50-pounder ]Dahlgren rifles, 2 24-pounder S. B. howitzers; Potomska, Act. V.-Lieut. William Budd, 5 guns; E. B. Hale, Act. Lieut. E. Brodhead, 4 32-pounders, 130-pounder Parrott pivot; Lodona, Com. E. R. Colhoun, 1100-pounder Parrott pivot, 1 30-pound
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at Fort Fisher, N. C.: January 13-15, 1865. (search)
e (2d attack). Britannia, Act. V. Lieut. Samuel Huse (1st attack); Act. V. Lieut. W. A. Sheldon (2d attack). Cherokee, Act. V. Lieut. W. E. Denison. Emma, Act. V. Lieut. T. C. Dunn (1st attack); Act. V. Lieut. J. M. Williams (2d attack). Gettysburg, Lieut. Com. R. H. Lamson (w). Governor Buckingham, Act. V. Lieut. J. McDiarmid. Howquah, Act. V. Lieut. J. W. Balch. Keystone State, Com. H. Rolando. Lilian, Act. V. Lieut. T. A. Harris. Little Ada, Acting Master S. P. Crafts. Moccasin, Act. Ens. James Brown. Nansemond, Act. Master J. H. Porter. Tristram Shandy, Act. Ens. Ben. Wood (1st attack); Act. V. Lieut. F. M. Green (2d attack). Wilderness, Acting Master H. Arey. At the second attack the fleet was composed of the same vessels, with the exception of the Nyack, Keystone State, and Quaker City. The following additions were also made to the fleet: Montgomery, Act. V. Lieut. T. C. Dunn; R. R. Cuyler, Com. C. H. B. Caldwell; Aries, Act. V. Lieut. F. S. Wells; Eolus, Acting Master E. S. K
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 15.100 (search)
on General Hardee, whom I found in bed, in his room at a private house, and showed him my conditional authority, from Governor Brown, to with-draw my command from the Confederate service proper. I said to him: You know that the militia of this Statel be under the disagreeable necessity of with-drawing the State forces from your control. General Hardee said that Governor Brown, being cut off from eastern Georgia by the advancing Federal forces, had been superseded by General Rantz Wright, the presiding officer of the State Senate; and that the latter, in view of the alleged disabilities of Governor Brown, had issued a proclamation from Augusta, declaring himself to be acting Governor of the State. The authority I held from Governor BrowGovernor Brown was several days later in date than Wright's proclamation. General Hardee then explained the condition of affairs; upon which I told him I was satisfied that, in the existing emergency, it was right that the militia should be moved into South Caro
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
illiam Thompson, John Williams, Matthew Arthur, John MacKIEie, Matthew McClelland, Joseph E. Vantine, John Rush, John Hickman, Robert Anderson, Peter Howard, Andrew Brinn, P. R. Vaughn, Samuel woods, Henry Thielberg, Robert B. Wood, Robert Jordan, Thomas W. Hamilton, Frank Bois, Thomas Jenkins, Martin McHugh, Thomas E. Corcoran, Henry Dow, John Woon, Christ. Brennen, Edward Ringgold, James K. L. Duncan, Hugh Melloy, William P. Johnson, Bartlett Laffey, Richard Seward, Christopher Nugent, James Brown, William Moore, William P. Brownell, William Talbot, Richard Stout, George W. Leland, Horatio N. Young, Michael Huskey, John Dorman, William Farley, J. Henry Denig, Michael Hudson, William M. Smith, miles M. Oviatt, Barnett Kenna, William Halsted, Joseph Brown, Joseph Irlam, Edward Price, Alexander Mack, William Nichols, John Lawson, Martin Freeman, William Dinsmore, Adam Duncan, Charles Deakin, Cornelius Cronin, William Wells, Hendrick sharp, Walter B. Smith, George Parks, Thomas Hayes,
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