Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 11, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Berkeley or search for Berkeley in all documents.

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effect that the enemy's main force had evacuated the position recently held by them at Berkeley, and moved on down the river. This is probably true, and although the War Department has no authentic intelligence of the fact, it is generally conceded that probabilities tend to confirm the report. Before another advance on Richmond — if another is ever attempted — McClellan must reorganize his army, and it is scarcely to be supposed that he would select a point so remote from the seacoast as Berkeley for this purpose. It is much more likely that he will, permitted to do so, withdraw his army from the swamps and marshes of Charles City, where unhealthy malaria and climatic influences would rather tend to decimate than to reorganize his shattered regiments, to some point nearer the coast where the health of his troops and the convenience of the service would be consulted. From any stand point there does no seem to be any ground to apprehend that the Southern Capital will again be menac