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Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 3,199 167 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 2,953 73 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 564 2 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 550 26 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 448 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 436 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 390 0 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 325 1 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 291 1 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 239 3 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for G. T. Beauregard or search for G. T. Beauregard in all documents.

Your search returned 121 results in 9 document sections:

tion of his command. He also conferred with Beauregard (who took command at Manassas Junction, oppowas forced so far as to make a junction with Beauregard, he would leave the enemy free to occupy the South, and operate on the flank and rear of Beauregard's army, at the same time provisioning his ows of the Blue ridge, and in conjunction with Beauregard achieve a glorious and beneficial victory. n in the valley while McDowell was assailing Beauregard; or, perhaps, to attack Winchester from the m Adjutant-General Cooper informing him that Beauregard was attacked, and that to strike the enemy acretion. A half hour later, a telegram from Beauregard informed Johnston of his urgent need for theent delays, and nearly despaired of reaching Beauregard in time to aid him in battle. This induced their joint forces would march back and join Beauregard in an assault upon Washington. Concerning trvation at Winchester, the quick response to Beauregard's call, the telling his men of the object of[1 more...]
e army of the Potomac, which, under Brig.-Gen. G. T. Beauregard, had been holding Manassas and the l army began. Left to his own discretion, Beauregard informed himself fully concerning his positihe Confederate attack on the right, by which Beauregard confidently expected to win a decisive victoof Evans and Bee was going on, Johnston and Beauregard were anxiously awaiting on Lookout hill the ers and rally on their colors. Johnston and Beauregard in person, at about this time, advanced to tht and left; especially was this the case on Beauregard's left, which he had strengthened with two cwas useless to attempt to turn that flank of Beauregard's army. Still unwilling to yield the fieloped to the battlefield with Colonel Jordan, Beauregard's chief of staff, and reached it in time to The losses in the army of the Potomac (Gen. G. T. Beauregard's) by brigades were: In Bonham's brigad what followed, says: About half past 3 Beauregard extended his left to outflank Mc-Dowell's sh[49 more...]
on the 4th, Stuart, with five field guns, shelled McCall's brigade at the Great Falls of the Potomac; on the 10th there was skirmishing at Lewinsville, a short distance beyond the northwestern fortifications of Washington. On September 3d General Beauregard, in person, reconnoitered McClellan's front from Munson's and Mason's hills, from which the Federal camps, earthworks and outposts, and the cities of Washington, Georgetown and Alexandria were plainly visible. On the 11th of September, Brtunity of putting before the department of war and the President this new instance of the boldness and skill of Colonel Stuart and the courage and efficiency of our troops. He then called attention to a communication from Generals Longstreet, Beauregard and himself, recommending the forming a cavalry brigade and putting Colonel Stuart at its head. A new organization of the cavalry arm of our service is greatly needed, and greater strength as well as an effective organization. Our numbers in
to the same place, and these were organized into the Seventh brigade of the Confederate army of the Potomac, which, early in August, was put under command of Brig.-Gen. Nathan G. Evans, who had been promoted for his brave conduct July 21st. General Beauregard's object in locating this strong force at Leesburg was to guard his left flank from a Federal attack by way of several good roads that led from the fords of the upper Potomac, near that town, directly to his Bull run encampment; to watch thre, on the Federal side, 7 killed and 61 wounded; on the Confederate, 43 killed, 143 wounded and 8 missing. The return of the department of Northern Virginia, Gen. J. E. Johnston commanding, for December, showed for the Potomac district, General Beauregard, aggregate infantry, cavalry and artillery, present and absent, 68,047; aggregate present, 55,165; effective total, 44,563. The forces in the Valley district, General Jackson, were reported at 12,922 present; in the Aquia district, General
at he knew of the whereabouts of this hardto-be-located man. This information was supplied him on the 25th, locating Jackson anywhere from Gordonsville to Luray, or in the mountains of West Virginia, while Banks and Fremont, in the lower valley, were intently watching for an attack by him from up the valley. On this same 25th, McClellan telegraphed to Washington: I am inclined to think that Jackson will attack my right and rear. The rebel force is stated at 200,000, including Jackson and Beauregard. I shall have to contend against vastly superior odds if these reports be true. Lee's plan of attack, which he, communicated to his division commanders in a confidential general order, was for Jackson to move on the 25th from Ashland, and encamp his 16,000 men west of the Virginia Central railroad; at 3 a. m. on the 26th to march southeastward by way of Old Polly Hundley's corner and across the Totopotomoy, to Pole Green church, near Hundley's corner, in the rear of McClellan's positio
he 23d of June. On that day Lee wrote to Davis again urging him to gather all the troops he could and send them, under Beauregard, to Culpeper Court House, as a menace to Washington, and therefore a virtual reinforcement to his own movement, but wit compelled to return to Virginia; but urged that it would be a great relief to him if even the effigy of an army, under Beauregard, were concentrated at Culpeper. He insisted that he would have to abandon his line of communication because he had notck on Richmond, it would be impossible to comply with Lee's urgent request for concentrating a force in Culpeper, under Beauregard, and threatening Washington. This information relieved Meade's apprehensions about the safety of the capital which he the Potomac, and while awaiting an attack from Meade, Lee wrote again, urging President Davis to gather an army, under Beauregard, and threaten Washington, as he had persistently asked should be done before and during his invasion of Pennsylvania.
ill holds it. Lee now asked that his army might be reinforced with that of Beauregard from south of the James. These two armies held the interior defensive line, while Grant and Butler held the exterior offensive one. Beauregard, in turn, urged the Confederate authorities to send him part of Lee's army, that he might fall upoto a surrender. Lee did not approve of this suggestion, and again urged that Beauregard should come to aid him in continuous battle against Grant. Beauregard, persiBeauregard, persistent in his determination, telegraphed to Richmond: War department must determine when and what troops to order from here. Lee's prompt response was: If you cannot Field across the James, and on the 17th these drove Butler from a portion of Beauregard's old line, which he held in front of Bermuda Hundred. A cheerful dispatch f his army across the James, and, on the afternoon of the 18th of June, joined Beauregard, who, from the 15th to the 18th, with some 10,000 men, had beaten back numero
Chapter 30: The siege of Petersburg. Foiled in his attempts to turn Lee's flank south of the James by the capture of Petersburg, through Beauregard's brave resistance for four days against his repeated assaults, Grant drew back and commenced throwing up formidable lines of intrenchments, all along his front, during could have maneuvered against him in the open country and amid Nature's great fortifications, which so abound among the mountains of Virginia. At this time, Beauregard's left rested on the navigable Appomattox, about one mile north of east from Petersburg, where the Appomattox turns northward, for five miles, to the vicinity oichmond and Petersburg, some 54,000 men, the remaining veterans of the army of Northern Virginia, and of the department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, Beauregard's army. Grant's supplies easily reached him by water, up the broad navigable James to City Point. Lee drew his, mainly from the South, by three railroads that
iven the rank of colonel, and in the army of Beauregard was assigned to command of the Fifth brigadelackburn's ford he was officially thanked by Beauregard. On July 20th he was stationed at Ball's fohe was not advised of Grant's movement until Beauregard was compelled to abandon the Howlett house leutenant-colonel and staff officer, and when Beauregard took command there he was promoted colonel ahe rendered efficient special service to General Beauregard in procuring him 200 wagons. He was in ed to Longstreet's brigade of the army under Beauregard at Manassas. He participated in the affair ecame a member of the volunteer staff of General Beauregard, and with his comrade, A. R. Chisholm, aorganization and instruction of the troops. Beauregard earnestly recommended his promotion to briga the works there in an admirable manner, General Beauregard reporting that he had shown himself to b of the Fifty-third Virginia infantry. When Beauregard was transferred to the west, he recommended [23 more...]