Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Apperson or search for Apperson in all documents.

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otect themselves, some dozen or more shots were fired to endeavor to dislodge any enemy that might be ambushed. About night they reached Lamb's wharf, and there halted, sending ashore the pontoon and the infantry. Immediately after landing the plundering commenced, and the true object of the expedition was established beyond a doubt. Every movement was telegraphed up the river by the signal corps, and a strict watch kept upon them. The last dispatch on Friday was to this effect: "The Yankee force that landed at Lamb's wharf have marched to Apperson's depot. --They number fourteen hundred and fifty. No cavalry or artillery." Later reports represent them plundering and stealing on all sides, the main attempts seeming to be the capture of negroes, the destruction of storehouses containing grain, and the burning of agricultural implements in order to prevent the gathering of the coming harvest. This is a part of the popular "starvation plan" of conquering the rebellion.