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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Shall Cromwell have a statue? (search)
abstract question is of consequence, as the utterances of Professor Smith and Mr. Lodge conclusively show, the secessionists of 1861 stand in history's court by no means without a case. In that case, moreover, they implicitly believed. From generation to generation they had grown up indoctrinated with the gospel, or heresy, of State sovereignty, and it was as much part of their moral and intellectual being as was clanship of the Scotch highlanders. In so far they were right, as Governor John A. Andrew said of John Brown. Meanwhile, practically, as a common-sensed man, leading an everyday existence in a world of actualities, John Brown was not right; he was, on the contrary, altogether wrong, and richly merited the fate meted out to him. It was the same with the secessionists. That, in 1861, they could really have had faith in the practicability—the real working efficiency—of that peaceable secession which they professed to ask for, and of which they never wearied of talking, I
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Appendix. (search)
hn J. Sims, Robert F. Stubbs, Robert F. Slagle, John H. Sholes, Thomas C. Stabler, Thomas S. Tyree, Charles H. Thurman, Powhatan. Truxall, Andrew J. Tyree, John R. Bagby, George W. Cochran, Robert L. Camp, Albert G. Crumpton, Joseph A. Conklen, Thomas A. Devine, Frank. Davis, Thomas J. J. Roberts, Charles R. Rockecharlie, V. Stewart, William H. Searson, Thomas. Spillan, Patrick. Smith, John G. Smith, Robert H. Thomas, Andrew J. Taylor, Burley T. Turner, G. Kempton. Ward, James S. Wooldridge, James R. Wright, William Richard. Wills, John McD. Wray, Thomas C. Homdinger, Herman. Percival, George. Perriman, William P. Phelps, J. C. W. Read, John A. Rucker, James G. Seabury, E. C. Bolling, W. R. Boyd, Andrew. Bradley, William. Browning, C. P. Callahan, J. E. Caruthers, John. Coles, John. Cox, P. S. Cox, Thad. Dameron, C. D. Dunnington, V. G.