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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Tuskegee, Ala., March 31, 1862. (search)
The Women's Gunboat. --The Mobile Advertiser publishes the following letter, signed by five secessionist women: Tuskegee, Ala., March 31, 1862. Editors Advertiser and Register: Having observed the interest which you manifest in the Women's Gunboat, we venture to inform you that the patriotic ladies of Tuskegee desire to be represented in the enterprise that has for its object the protection of their dearest rights. With this view they have canvassed the community, and have secured cash subscriptions to the amount of $303.95, together with a donation of three bales of cotton. Other subscriptions are promised, and will doubtless be procured. These contributions have been made with the understanding that the money is to be appropriated to the construction of an iron-clad gunboat for the defence of Alabama. The amount is on deposit with the Tuskegee Insurance Company, subject to order when the enterprise shall have received such substantial encouragement as to place the matter b
Southern Greek fire;--The Mobile Register and Advertiser asserts that Colonel John Travis (of pistol-shot notoriety) has discovered, if not the ancient, at least its counterpart and equal, the modern Greek fire. Its components are kept secret, but Colonel Travis tenders the use of his invention to the confederate States. The Register gives the following account of a test of this fire: On Thursday evening last, near the bay road, in the suburbs of this city, in the presence of several scientific professors, ordnance and artillery officers, Colonel Miller, commanding this volunteer and conscript bureau, other officers of the army and navy, a score of ladies, and at least one representative of the press, Captain Travis made two distinct experiments of his fire or composition; using on each occasion less than half a pint of the preparation, a fluid. Both were eminently successful, eliciting universal commendation. Instantaneously on being exposed to the air the fluid becomes
ph Tappen; First Lieutenant, Walter W. Van Ranselaer; Second Lieutenant, Peter S. Voorhees. Company D, of Shokan, Ulster county, Captain, David Winne; First Lieutenant, John Hussy; Second Lieutenant, John W. Schoonmaker. Company E, of Ellensville, Ulster county, Captain, William Lent; First Lieutenant, Jacob A. Blackman; Second Lieutenant, Nicholas Sahen. Company F, of Rondout, Ulster county, Captain, P. J. Flynn; First Lieutenant, Edward O'Reilly; Second Lieutenant, John Murray. Company G, of Saugerties, Captain, J. S. Oakley; First Lieutenant, J. Tallmadge Hendricks; Second Lieutenant, Sylvanus W. Miller. Company H, of Rondout, Ulster county, Captain, John Duenbocker; First Lieutenant, Jerrie McIntire; Second Lieutenant, Lawrence Stocker. Company K, (right flank company), Captain, James McArdle; First Lieutenant, Warren A. Mansfield; Second Lieutenant, Samuel W. Greene; Junior Lieutenant, William Cunningham. N. Y. Com. Advertiser, May 7, & N. Y. Herald, April 30.
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 43: return to the Senate.—the barbarism of slavery.—Popular welcomes.—Lincoln's election.—1859-1860. (search)
ercial centres of the Eastern States; elsewhere the Republican journals justified the speech as required by the turn which the Southern leaders had given to the discussion. John Wentworth, of Chicago, treated it in his journal as the embodiment of Republicanism. A reception awaited the speech in England similar to that which it had met here. The London Times, already strongly pro-slavery, condemned it; while antislavery journals, as the Daily News, the Morning Star, and the Morning Advertiser, as fully approved. The Duke and Duchess of Argyll approved it, the former not thinking it a bit too strong. The duchess reported Tennyson as warmly approving it, and saying, I thought the most eloquent thing in the speech was the unspoken thing,—the silence about his own story. Punch gave it a hearty assent, and Miss Martineau in public letters expressed her cordial sympathy with its scope and spirit. Miss Martineau's letters appeared in the New York Antislavery Standard. As t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Within a Stone's throw of independence at Gettysburg. (search)
ach, we should have established the Independence of the Confederacy. We verily believe that the verdict of impartial History will be that the Confederates would have won Gettysburg, and Independence, but for the failure of one man. But it is not generally known that just at this crisis England was on the eve of recognizing the Confederacy, and was only prevented from doing so by our defeat at Gettysburg. The story is thus told by an English statesman, as quoted by the London Morning Advertiser. I am able to speak with knowledge on this subject; and I affirm, without fear of contradiction, that Mr. Disraeli, although never committing himself—as Mr. Gladstone and Lord John Russell did—to the principles for which the Southern Confederacy was fighting, always regarded recognition as a possible card to play, and was quite prepared, at the proper moment, to play it. The moment seemed to have come when General Lee invaded the Federal States, after having shattered the strength of th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), William Lowndes Yancey, [from the Moutgomery, Ala., daily Advertiser, April 15, 1893.] (search)
William Lowndes Yancey, [from the Moutgomery, Ala., daily Advertiser, April 15, 1893.] The sincere and Unfaltering Advocate of Southern rights. His eventful career as sketched by Hon. Anthony W. Dillard. San Antonio, Texas, April 12, 1893. Editor Advertiser. No man in the South contributed so much as did William L. Yancey towards working up the people of the South to the determination to secede from the Union, in order to withdraw slavery from the possible unfriendly action of the United States. Mr. Yancey, during this time, enjoyed none of the prestige of official position—he was the editor of a newspaper, and, therefore, able to scatter his opinions on the wings of the wind; he was a private citizen, a lawyer engaged in practicing his profession, and was in quite moderate circumstances in regard to fortune. Nor was his location in Montgomery of a character to draw to him the leading men of the South, nor to afford peculiar facilities for the propagation of his
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 18., Turell Tufts and his family connections. (search)
is told of a slave of Ingraham's son Nathaniel. Several of Duncan's children made their names known in the world in various ways. A daughter married an Episcopal clergyman. Another daughter married an Englishman and her daughter was the mother of Captain Marryat, the English novelist. Another son, Duncan junior, was a merchant in Boston. The Acts and Resolves of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, Vol. V, gives Duncan Ingraham, Jr., as one of the signers of a petition to Governor Hutchinson, May, 1773, in regard to auctioneers selling goods at private sale. Boston records show that he was chosen one of the clerks of the market, March 14, 1774, and also on March 29, 1776, when he was excused. His name is found on the rolls of 1772 of the Boston Cadets, and he was clerk of the company in 1774 and as such inserted notices in several Boston newspapers. The following appeared in the Massachusetts Gazette and the Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser under date of August 22-29, 1774:
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately. (search)
respectively issued by the daily journals, between the 31st of December, 1854, and the 1st of July, 1855, was as follows: the Times9,175,788 Morning Advertiser1,034,618 Daily News825,000 Morning Herald554,000 Globe540,000 Morning Post455,000 Morning Chronicle401,500 Weekly papers. Illustrated London News3as taken considerable trouble to obtain results, that the following figures approximate the truth: Daily circulation of the Times, about fifty thousand; Morning Advertiser, seven thousand; Daily News, from three thousand to three thousand five hundred; Morning Post, same; Morning Herald, about two thousand; Morning Chronicle, one , Blackwood's Magazine, the Quarterly Review, and the Constitutional Press. The Morning Chronicle represents the liberal conservative party; the Morning Star, the so-called liberal school of Manchester; the Daily Telegraph and the Westminster Review, radicalism; the Morning Advertiser is the organ of the ultra Protestant party.
Blistered feet --A Remedy.--I had for several years two sons at school at Geneva, Switzerland. In vacations they in company with their tutor made excursions through Switzerland, Italy, Germany, etc., on foot. bearing their knapsacks containing their necessary wants for a month. They were provided with a small bar of common brown soap, and before putting on their stockings, turned them inside out, and rubbed the soap well into the threads of them, consequently they never became foot-sore, or had blistered feet. Let our volunteers try it, and my word for it, they won't complain of sore or blistered feet. Those boys of mine are in the Seventh Regiment, and made the march from Annapolis to Washington scatheless as far as the feet were concerned, and carried their knapsacks with comparative ease, from early schooling.--N. Y. Com. Advertiser.
British Banner, and the Wesleyan Times; The Roman Catholic Church, the Tablet, and the Weekly Register. The small towns have generally their weekly gazettes, whilst such a city as Edinburgh has eighteen, and Glasgow thirty, besides their daily papers. Politically, the London Times represents the public opinion, and its wonderful mobility seems its pervading spirit. The Morning Post, the Globe, the Observer, the Edinburgh Review, and the Examiner, are the principal organs of the Whig party. The Daily News, an independent Liberal journal, represents more particularly the Russell coterie of that party. The Tory organs are the Morning Herald. the Press, Fraser's Magazine, Blackwood's Magazine, the Quarterly Review, and the Constitutional Press. The Morning Chronicle represents the liberal Conservative party; the Morning Star, the so-called liberal school of Manchester; the Daily Telegraph and the Westminster Review, radicalism; the Morning Advertiser, the ultra Protestant party.
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