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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 2 2 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903 1 1 Browse Search
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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Grego'rius of Sicily or Grego'rius Asbestas or Grego'rius of Sicily (search)
as confirmed by the Pope, Benedict III. When, on the deposition of Ignatius, Photius was placed on the patriarchal throne, A. D. 858, he was consecrated by Gregory, whose episcopal character, notwithstanding his deposition, was thus recognised. Gregory was anathematised, together with Photius, at the council of Rome A. D. 863: and his connection with the Greek patriarch is a reason for receiving with caution the assertions of Romish writers as to his immoral character. Photius promoted him A. D. 878 to the bishopric of Nicaea, in Bithynia. He died soon after. Works Oratio longa in S. Methodium. He is perhaps the "Gregorius archiepiscopus Siciliae" mentioned by Allatius in his tract De Methodiorum Scriptis (published in the Convivium decem Virginum Sti Methodii Martyris, Rome, 1656), as the author of an Oratio longa in S. Methodium. The age of Gregory, who lived in and after the time of Methodius, favors this supposition, but there is some difficulty from the term "Archiepiscopu
etas Paphlago, *Bi/os tou= a(gi/ou *)Ignati/on. Vita S. Ignatii, apud Concilia Binii, vol. iii.; Labbaei, vol. viii.; Harduini, vol. v., and Mansi, vol. xvi.; Synodicon Vetus, apud Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. xii. p. 417, &c.; Josephus Genesius, Reges, pp. 3, 47-49, ed. Venet, pp. 7, 99-102, ed. Bonn Theophanes Continuat. lib. 1.10, 4.30-32, 5.22, 32, 44; Symeon Magister, De Michaele et Theodora, 100.12, 18, 19, 28; de Basilio Macedone, 100.6, 9, 14; Georgius Monachus, Vitae Recentior. Imperatorum; de Mich. et Theod. 100.11, 20, de Basil. Maced. 100.5, 7, 16; Leo Grammaticus, Chronographia ; Zonar. 15.18, 16.4, 8 ; Cedrenus, Compend.; Constantinus Manasses, Compend. Chronic. vs. 4676, &c., 5114, &c., 5139, &c., 5253, &c., 5309, &c.; Joel, Chronog. p. 179, ed. Paris, p. 55, ed. Bonn; Michael Glycas, Annal. Pars iv. pp. 287-297, ed. Paris, 222-230, ed. Venet., pp. 533-552, ed. Bonn; Baronius, Annales, A. D. 847-878; Pagi, Critice in Baronium ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. vii. p. 45, x. p. 254.