Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 6 AD or search for 6 AD in all documents.

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A shouting affair took place in Charleston, S. C., on the 6th inst., between Edward Kopp and John Dittles, in which the latter was severely, if not fatally wounded. Kopp has been arrested. The editor of the Houston (Taxas) Telegraph, of the 27th ult., acknowledges the recript of "some fine strawberriss, just fresh from the vinse." Ain't that a luxury for December.
The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1862., [Electronic resource], Assault upon a white woman by a negro, (search)
Assault upon a white woman by a negro, The Savannh Republican, of the 6th inst., says: Yesterday morning, as a white woman was returning home, after driving her cows to pasture, when near the city, she was met by a negro man, who seized her and took from her $10, all the money she had. He then pulled out a knife and attempted further out rages upon her, threatening to cut her if she resisted. Two white boys, who witnessed the outrage, gave the alarm to two soldiers, who immediately pursued the negro through the woods for some distance, but were unable to overtake him. Subsequently a gentleman went in pursuit of the negro with his dogs, and succeeded in capturing one in the woods, near Woodland Retreat, whose trail the dogs had made, but it was not certain that he was the
The Federal villians shot an humble old shoemaker, in his own house, and then burnt the building over his body. The latest intelligence received at Winchester states that Gen. Jackson had captured two pieces of cannon, and between thirty and forty thousand dollars worth of clothing and military stores. Among his wounded is Capt. Alexander, of an Arkansas regiment, who lost an arm. The Republican also, has a letter from its special correspondent at Camp Alleghany, dated on the 6th inst., in which it is stated that no attack has yet been made on that Camp or on Monterey, although it has been confidently expected for several days. The enemy, after destroying what they could in Huntersville, put off in double-quick, not taking time to release a Yankee prisoner, who was confined in jail. Our force recently at Huntersville was about 00, but the Commandant at that post had unluckily given furloughs to about 400, thus leaving a very small force at that point. But for