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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 14 14 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 3 3 Browse Search
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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Agrippa, Vibule'nus a Roman knight, who took poison in the senate house at the time of his trial, A. D. 36; he had brought the poison with him in a ring. (Tac. Ann. 6.40; Dion. Cass. 58.21.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Artabanus III. (search)
e Iberians accordingly entered Armenia, and after bribing the servants of Arsaces, the son of Artabanus, to put him to death, they subdued the country. Orodes, another son of Artabanus, was sent against them, but was entirely defeated by Pharasmanes; and soon afterwards Artabanus was obliged to leave his kingdom, and to fly for refuge to the Hyrcanians and Carmanians. Hereupon Vitellius, the governor of Syria, crossed the Euphrates, and placed Tiridates on the throne. In the following year (A. D. 36) some of the Parthian nobles, jealous of the power of Abdageses, the chief minister of Tiridates, recalled Artabanus, who in his turn compelled Tiridates to fly into Syria. (Tac. Ann. 6.31-37, 41-44; D. C. 58.26; J. AJ 18.5.4.) When Tiberius received news of these events, he commanded Vitellius to conclude a peace with Artabanus (J. AJ 18.5.5), although Artabanus, according to Suetonius (Suet. Tib. 100.66), sent a letter to Tiberius upbraiding him with his crimes, and advising him to satisf
ger. B. The second or younger Branch, The second or younger branch, at first at Edessa, and sometimes identical with the " Reges Osrhoenenses," afterwards in Armenia Magna. B. C. 38. Arsham or Ardsham, the Artabazes of Josephus. (Ant. Jud. 20.2.)--B. C. 10. Manu, his son.--B. C. 5. Abgarus, the son of Arsham, the Ushama of the Syrians. This is the celebrated Abgarus who is said to have written a letter to our Saviour. (Moses Chor. 2.29.) A. D. 32. Anane or Ananus, the son of Abgarus. --A. D. 36. Sanadrug or Sanatruces, the son of a sister of Abgares, usurps the throne.--A. D. 58. Erowant, an Arsacid by the female line, usurps the throne; conquers all Armenia; cedes Edessa and Mesopotamia to the Romans.--A. D. 78. Ardashes or Artaxes III. (Exedares or Axidares), the son of Sanadrug, established by Vologeses I., king of the Parthians.--A. D. 120. Ardawazt or Artavasdes IV., son of Ardashes III., reigns only some months.-- A. D. 121. Diran or Tiranus I., his brother.--A. D. 142. Dikr
et. Cal. 10; Tac. Annal. 6.20.) But his savage and voluptuous character was nevertheless seen through by Tiberius. About the same time he married Junia Claudilla (Claudia), the daughter of M. Silanus, an event which Dio Cassius (58.25) assigns to the year A. D. 35. Soon afterwards he obtained the quaestorship, and on the death of his brother Drusus was made augur in his stead, having been created pontiff two years before. (D. C. 58.8; Suet. (Cal. 12.) After the death of his wife, in March A. D. 36, Caligula began seriously to think in what manner he might secure the succession to himself, of which Tiberius had held out hopes to him, without however deciding anything. (D. C. 58.23 ; Tac. Annal. 6.45, &c.) In order to ensure his success, he seduced Ennia Naevia, the wife of Macro, who had then the command of the praetorian cohorts. He promised to marry her if He should succeed to the throne, and contrived to gain the consent and co-operation of Macro also, who according to some account
lba, a son of No. 11, and father of the emperor Galba. He was consul in A. D. 22, with D. Haterius Agrippa. He was humpbacked, and an orator of moderate power. He was married to Mummia Achaica, a great granddaughter of Mummius, the destroyer of Corinth. After her death he married Livia Ocellina, a wealthy and beautiful woman. By his former wife he had two sons, Caius and Servius. The former of them is said by Suetonius (Galb. 3) to have made away with himself, because Tiberius would not allow him to enter on his proconsulship ; but as it is not known that he ever was consul, it is more probable that Suetonius is mistaken, and that what he relates of the son Caius applies to his father, C. Sulpicius Galba, who, according to Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 6.40), put an end to himself in A. D. 36. [L.S] To which of the preceding P. Galbae the following coin belongs is doubtful. It has on the obverse a female head, and on the reverse a culter, a simpuvium, and a secespita, with P. GALB. AED. CUR.
Hieron 4. One of the chief satraps or governors among the Parthians, though, from his name, evidently of Greek origin, at the time when Tiridates, supported by Tiberius and the Roman influence, invaded Parthia, A. D. 36. After wavering for some time between the two rivals, Hieron declared in favour of Artabanus, and was mainly instrumental in re-establishing him upon the throne. (Tac. Ann. 6.42, 43.) [E.H.B]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Le'pida, Aemi'lia 4. The daughter of M. Aemilius Lepidus, consul A. D. 6 [LEPIDUS, No. 23], was married to Drusus, the son of Germanicus and Agrippina. [DRUSUS, No. 18.] She was a woman of abandoned character, and frequently made charges against her husband, doubtless with the view of pleasing Tiberius, who hated Drusus. During the lifetime of her father, who was always highly esteemed by Tiberius, she could do much as she pleased; but after she had lost this powerful protection, by his death, in A. D. 33, she was accused in A. D. 36 of having had adulterous intercourse with a slave; and as she could not deny the charge, she put an end to her life. (Tac. Ann. 6.40.)
Papinius 3. Sex. Papinius Allienus, consul A. D. 36, with Q. Plautius (Tac. Ann. 6.40; Dio Cass, Iviii. 26; Plin. Nat. 10.2). Pliny relates (H. N. 15.14) that this Papinius was the first person who introduced tubaes (a kind of apple) into Italy, and he likewise states that he saw him in his consulship. The Sex. Papinius of a consular family, who threw himself down headlong from a height (A. D. 37), in order to escape from the unhallowed lust of his mother, was probably a son of the consul. (Tac. Ann. 6.49.)
Alautius 3. Q. Plautius, consul A. D. 36 with Sex. Papirius Allienus. (D. C. 58.26; Tac. Ann. 6.40; Plin. Nat. 10.2.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Po'ntius Fregella'nus was deprived of his rank as senator, A. D. 36, as one of the agents of the notorious Albucilla in her adulteries. (Tac. Ann. 6.48.)
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