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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 3 3 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 28, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 202 AD or search for 202 AD in all documents.

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not only in the usual branches of knowledge, but especially in the Scriptures, of which he made him commit to memory and recite a portion every day. Origen was a pupil of Clement of Alexandria, and he also received some instruction of Pantaenus apparently after his return from India. [PANTAENUS.] He had Alexander, afterwards bishop of Jerusalem, for his early friend and fellow-student (Alex. ap. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 6.14). In the persecution which commenced in the tenth year of Severus (A. D. 202) Leonides was imprisoned, and after a time beheaded. Origen was anxious to share with his father the glory of martyrdom; and when this desire was frustrated by the watchfulness of his mother, who, after vainly entreating him to give up his purpose, hid away all his clothes, and so prevented him from leaving home, he wrote a letter to his father, exhorting him to steadfastness, in the words "See that thou changes not thy mind for our sakes." By the death of Leonides, his widow, with Origen
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ed by these distinctions Plautianus indulged in the most despotic tyranny ; and perpetrated acts of cruelty almost beyond belief. His cupidity was boundless: no state, no province, no city escaped his exactions; in Rome he plundered all whose wealth excited his avarice, contrived the banishment or death of every one who impeded or thwarted his schemes, and venttired to treat with contumely even the empress Donna and her sons. He reached the pinnacle of his ambition when Severus in the year A. D. 202 selected his daughter Plautilla as the wife of Caracalla, and on that occasion he presented the bride with an outfit which a contemporary historian declares would have sufficed for fifty queens. But even gratified ambition brought him no happiness. His external appearance gave evidence of a mind ill at ease: when seen in public he was ever deadly pale, and shook with nervous agitation, partly, says Dio Cassius who was himself an eye-witness of these things, from the irregularities of his l
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
f operations which were attended with the most brilliant results. Seleucia and Babylon were evacuated by the enemy; and Ctesiphon, at that time their royal city, was taken and plundered after a short siege. The campaign against the Arabs, who had espoused the cause of Niger, was less glorious. The emperor twice assailed their chief town Atra, and twice was compelled to retire with great loss. The next three years were spent in the East. Severus entered upon his third consulship in Syria (A. D. 202), Caracalla being his colleague; visited Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt; and having made all the necessary arrangements in these countries, returned to Rome in the same year, in order to offer the decennial vows, and to celebrate the marriage of his eldest son with Plautilla. The shows in honour of the return of the prince, of the completion of the tenth year of his reign, of his victories, and of the royal nuptials, were unparalleled in magnificence; that is to say, the bloodshed and butche