Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for August 12th, 1864 AD or search for August 12th, 1864 AD in all documents.

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75. Introduction, i., 1. Iuka, battle of, i., 110, 112-114. Jackson, Miss., importance of, i., 20; battle of, 239-249; Sherman's movement against, 393; second capture of, 396. Jackson, Tenn., position of, i., 109; Grant's Headquarters at, 115. James river, geography of, II., 4, 248, 340; strategical importance of, 45 Butler's operations on, 241-259; army of Potomac crosses, 341, 346-357, 374; Sheridan crosses, 398; movement of July 26, 1864, north of, 468-475; movement of August 12, 1864, north of, 505-508; movement of September 29, 1864, north of, III., 68-76; movement of October 27, 1864, north of, 122-3. Johnson, President, Andrew, inauguration of, III., 627; disapproves Sherman's course in North Carolina, 631; desires to try Lee for treason, 654. Johnston, General Alert S., at Shiloh, i., 75; his death, 84. Johnston, General Joseph E., in chief command against Grant, May, 1863, i., 212; moves to defend Jackson, 218; strength of, at Jackson, 241; orders Pemb