Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 6, April, 1907 - January, 1908. You can also browse the collection for 1638 AD or search for 1638 AD in all documents.

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Historic leaves, volume 6, April, 1907 - January, 1908, Original English inhabitants and early settlers in Somerville. (search)
ad a dwelling house and land at the West End in 1638. which he sold to Richard Wilson, of Boston, a descendants here, to my knowledge. John Crow, 1638 or earlier, had a dwelling house and nine acreselsewhere in Massachusetts. John Brinsmeade, 1638, had a house and two acres of land in the Highfne, but he left no issue here. Edward Paine, 1638. His house and thirty acres of land were at thhildren did not remain in town. John Hodges, 1638, had a dwelling house and ten acres of land in d. He left no issue in town. William Baker, 1638, or earlier, had a dwelling house and land at t that he left descendants here. John Mousal, 1638, or earlier, had a homestead in the Highfield, ubsequently removed to Woburn. Ralph Mousal, 1638, or earlier, brother of John, had a dwelling ho remained in Somerville. Ezekiel Richardson, 1638, and probably earlier, had a homestead and fourescendants are here now. Thomas Richardson, 1638, or earlier, brother of Ezekiel, had a homestea