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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 22 22 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 20 20 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 12 12 Browse Search
M. W. MacCallum, Shakespeare's Roman Plays and their Background 10 10 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 7 7 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 6 6 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 5 5 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 4 4 Browse Search
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 3 3 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 2 2 Browse Search
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Appian, Wars in Spain (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XII (search)
CHAPTER XII War with Viriathus continued -- A Treaty with Viriathus -- The Treaty is broken by the Romans -- D. Junius Brutus -- Guerilla Bands coöperate with Viriathus -- Viriathus assassinated -- Character of Viriathus Y.R. 612 At the end of the year, Fabius Maximus Servilianus, B.C. 142 the brother of Æmilianus, came to succeed Quintus in the command, bringing two new legions from Rome and some allies, so that his forces altogether amounted to about 18,000 foot and 1600 horse. He wrote to Micipsa, king of the Numidians, to send him some elephants as speedily as possible. As he was hastening to Itucca with his army in divisions, Viriathus attacked him with 6000 troops with great noise and barbaric clamor, and wearing the long hair which in battles they are accustomed to shake in order to terrify their enemies, but he was not dismayed. He stood his ground bravely, and the enemy was driven off without accomplishing anything. When the rest of his army arrived, t
Appian, Punic Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER III (search)
CHAPTER III Scipio arrives in Africa -- First Skirmishes -- Capture of Locha -- Siege of Utica -- Negotiations of Syphax Y.R. 550 In this way Masinissa made war on the Carthaginians. In the meantime Scipio, having completed his preparations in Sicily, and sacrificed to Jupiter and Neptune, B.C. 204 set sail for Africa with fifty-two war-ships and 400 transports, with a great number of smaller craft following behind. His army consisted of 16,000 foot and 1600 horse. He carried also projectiles, arms, and engines of various kinds, and a plentiful supply of provisions. And thus Scipio accomplished his voyage. When the Carthaginians and Syphax learned of this they decided to pretend to make terms with Masinissa for the present, until they should over-come Scipio. Masinissa was not deceived by this scheme. In order to deceive them in turn he marched to Hasdrubal with his cavalry as though he were reconciled to him, fully advising Scipio beforehand. Hasdrubal, Syph
Appian, Punic Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER VII (search)
these was his second line, composed of Carthaginians and Africans. The third line consisted of Italians who had followed him from their own country, in whom he placed the greatest confidence, since they had the most to apprehend from defeat. The cavalry were placed on the wings. In this way Hannibal arranged his forces. Scipio had about 23,000 foot and 1500 Italian and Roman horse. He had as allies Masinissa with a large number of Numidian horse, and another prince, named Dacamas, with 1600 horse. He drew up his infantry, like those of Hannibal, in three lines. He placed all his cohorts in straight lines with open spaces so that the cavalry might readily pass between them. In front of each cohort he stationed men armed with heavy stakes two cubits long, mostly shod with iron, for the purpose of assailing the oncoming elephants by hand, as with catapult bolts. He ordered these and the other foot-soldiers to avoid the impetus of these beasts by turning aside and continually hurlin
Appian, Syrian Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER VI (search)
nd of the left wing to Eumenes. Considering his African elephants of no use, being few in number and of small size, as those of Africa usually are (and the small ones are afraid of the larger), he placed them in the rear of all. Such was the Roman line of battle. The total force of Antiochus was 70,000 and the strongest of these was the Macedonian phalanx of 16,000 men, still arrayed after the fashion of Alexander and Philip. These were placed in the centre, divided into ten sections of 1600 men each, with fifty men in the front line of each section and thirty-two deep. On the flanks of each section were twenty-two elephants.e)s de\ ta\ pleura\ e)ka/stou me/rous e)le/fantes du/o kai\ e)i/kosin. This arrangement requires 220 elephants, an incredible number, whereas Livy says that there were two for each of the ten divisions. Evidently the words kai\ e)i/kosin should be rejected. The appearance of the phalanx was like that of a wall, of which the elephants were the towers. Such was
Appian, Mithridatic Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER VIII (search)
ilots and helmsmen. "The time you chose convicts you of treachery most of all. When you heard that Italy had revolted from us you seized the occasion when we were occupied to fall upon Ariobarzanes, Nicomedes, Galatia, and Paphlagonia, and finally upon our Asiatic province. When you had taken them you committed all sorts of outrages on the cities, appointing slaves and debtors to rule over some of them, and freeing slaves and cancelling debts in others. In the Greek cities you destroyed 1600 men on one false accusation. You brought the tetrarchs of Galatia together at a banquet and slew them. You butchered or drowned all residents of Italian blood in one day, including mothers and babes, not sparing even those who had fled to the temples. What cruelty, what impiety, what boundless hate did you exhibit toward us! After you had confiscated the property of all your victims you crossed over to Europe with great armies, although we had forbidden the invasion of Europe to all the kings
Appian, Mithridatic Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XI (search)
CHAPTER XI Lucullus takes the Command against him and cuts off his Supplies at Cyzicus--Mithridates besieges Cyzicus--Valiant Defence of the City--Famine in the Besieging Army--Flight of Mithridates--Lucullus pursues--Mithridates suffers Shipwreck Lucius Lucullus, who had been chosen consul and general for this war, led one legion of soldiers from Rome, joined with it the two of Fimbria, and added two others, making in all 30,000 foot and 1600 horse, with which he pitched his camp near that of Mithridates at Cyzicus. When he learned from deserters that the king's army contained about 300.000 men and that all his supplies were furnished by foragers or came by sea, he said to those around him that he would presently reduce the enemy without fighting, and he told them to remember his promise. Seeing a mountain well suited for a camp, where he could readily obtain supplies, and could cut off those of the enemy, he moved forward to occupy it in order to gain a victory by