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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 5 5 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, M. SERVILIUS FABIANUS, DOMUS (search)
M. SERVILIUS FABIANUS, DOMUS on the Esquiline, just south of the clivus Suburanus and east of the porticus Liviae, known only from an inscription (CIL vi. 1517). Servilius was cos. suff. in 158 A.D. (Pros. iii. 226. 415).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, HORREA Q. TINEI SACERDOTIS (search)
HORREA Q. TINEI SACERDOTIS known only from one inscription (CIL vi. 33860; cf. DE iii. 982) from the church of S. Martino ai Monti on the Esquiline. Tineus was consul in 158 A.D.
him with the addition Divus (2.195), and that he speaks of the law of cretio, as it stood in the region of Marcus, before it was altered by a constitution of that emperor. (Compare Gaius, 2.177 with Ulpian, Frag. 22.34.) In like manner, the statements made by Gaius in 3.23, 24, as to hardships in the law of succession which required the correction of the praetor's edict, could scarcely have been written after the senatus consultunm Tertullianum, made in the reign of M. Aurelius and Verus, A. D. 158, and still less after the senatus consultum Orphitianum, made in the reign of Marcus and Commodus, A. D. 178. (Compare Inst. 3. tit. 4. pr., and Capitolinus, in Marco. 11). Some critics have been so nice as to infer that the beginning of the Institutes of Gaius was written under Antoninus Pius, and the remainder under M. Aurelius. In 1.53. the former emperor is termed Sacratissimus Imperator Antoninus. So, in 1.102, we have " Nunc ex epistola optimi Imperatoris Antonini," and, in 2.126,
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
mment. in Hippocr. " De Humor." 3.34. vol. xvi. p. 484, where the name is corruptly called *Fhkiano/s). It was perhaps at this time that he visited various other countries, of which mention is made in his works, as e. g. Cilicia, Phoenicia, Palestine, Scyros, Crete (Comment. in Hippocr. " De Victu Acut." 3.8. vol. xv. p. 648), and Cyprus (De Simpl. Medic. Temper. ac Facult. 9.1.2. vol. xii. p. 171). He returned to Pergamus from Alexandria, when he had just entered on his twenty-ninth year, A. D. 158 (De Compos. Medic. sec. Gen. 3.2. vol. xiii. p. 599), and was immediately appointed by the high-priest of the city physician to the school of gladiators, an office which he filled with great reputation and success. (Comment. in Hippocr. " De Fract." 3.21. vol. xviii. pt. 2. p. 567, &c.; De Compos. Medic. sec. Gen. 3.2. vol. xiii. p. 574.) In his thirty-fourth year, A. D. 163-4, Galen quitted his native country on account of some popular commotions, and went to Rome for the first time. (D
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Sacerdos, C. Tineius 1. consul under Antoninus Pius in A. D. 158 with Sex. Sulpicius Tertullus. (Fasti.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Sulpi'cia Gens originally patrician, and afterwards plebeian likewise. It was one of the most ancient Roman gentes, and produced a succession of distinguished men, from the foundation of the republic to the imperial period. The first member of it who obtained the consulship was Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus, in B. C. 500, only nine years after the expulsion of the Tarquins, and the last of the name who appears on the consular Fasti was Sex. Sulpicius Tertullus in A. D. 158. The family names of the Sulpicii during the republican period are -- CAMERINUS CORNUTUS, GALBA, GALLUS, LONGUS, PATERCULUS, PETICUS, PRAETEXTATUS, QUIRINUS, RUFUS (given below), SAVERRIO. Besides these cognomens, we meet with some other surnames belonging to freedmen and to other persons under the empire, which are given below. On coins we find the surnames Galba, Platorinus, Proclus, Rufus.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Tertullus, Sex. Sulpi'cius consul A. D. 158, with C. Tineius Sacerdos. (Fasti.)