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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Agrippa, D. Hate'rius called by Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 2.51) the propinquus of Germanicus, was tribune of the plebs A. D. 15, praetor A. D. 17, and consul A. D. 22. His moral character was very low, and he is spoken of in A. D. 32, as plotting the destruction of many illustrious men. (Tac. Ann. 1.77, 2.51, 3.49, 52, 6.4.)
Apro'nius 3. L. Apronius, consul suffectus in A. D. 8 (Fast. Capit.), belonged to the military staff of Drusus (cohors Drusi), when the latter was sent to quell the revolt of the army in Germany, A. D. 14. Apronius was sent to Rome with two others to carry the demands of the mutineers; and on his return to Germany he served under Germanicus, and is mentioned as one of the Roman generals in the campaign of A. D. 15. On account of his services in this war he obtained the honour of the triumphal ornaments. (Tac. Ann. 1.29, 56, 72.) He was in Rome in the following year, A. D. 16 (2.32); and four years afterwards (A. D. 20), he succeeded Camillus, as proconsul, in the government of Africa. He carried on the war against Tacfarinas, and enforced military discipline with great severity. (3.21.) Hewas subsequently the propraetor of lower Germany, when the Frisii revolted, and seems to have lost his life in the war against them. (4.73, compared with 11.19.) Apronius had two daughters: one of wh
Arru'ntius 3. L. Arruntius, son of the preceding, consul A. D. 6. Augustus was said to have declared in his last illness, that Arruntius was not unworthy of the empire, and would have boldness enough to seize it, if an opportunity presented. This, as well as his riches, talents, and reputation, rendered him an object of suspicion to Tiberius. In A. D. 15, when the Tiber had flooded a great part of the city, he was appointed to take measures to restrain it within its bed, and he consulted the senate on the subject. The province of Spain had been assigned to him, but Tiberius, through jealousy, kept him at Rome ten years after his appointment, and obliged him to govern the province by his legates. He was accused on one occasion by Aruseius and Sanquinius, but was acquitted, and his accusers punished. He was subsequently charged in A. D. 37, as an accomplice in the crimes of Albucilla; and though his friends wished him to delay his death, as Tiberius was in his last illness, and could no
Caeci'na 4. A. Caecina Severus, a distinguished soldier and general in the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius, had served forty campaigns by the year A. D. 15, and lived several years afterwards. (Tac. Ann. 1.64, 3.33.) He was governor of Moesia in A. D. 6, when the formidable insurrection under the two Batos broke out in the neighboring provinces of Dalmatia and Pannonia. [Bato.] He immediately marched against the Breucians in Pannonia, whom he defeated after a hard-fought battle, in which many of his troops fell, but was recalled almost im mediately afterwards to his own province by the ravages of the Dacians and Sarmatians. In the following year, he gained another victory over the insurgents, who had attacked him while on his march from Moesia to join Germanicus in Pannonia. (D. C. 55.29, 30, 32; Vell. 2.112.) In A. D. 14, Caecina had the command, as legate of Germanicus, of the Roman army in Lower Germany, and was employed by Germanicus, in the following year, in the war against A
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Cae'pio Crispi'nus quaestor in Bithynia, accused Granius Marcellus, the governor of that province, of treason in A. D. 15. From this time he became one of the state informers under Tiberius. (Tac. Ann. 1.74.) He may be the same as the Caepio mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 21.4. s. 10), who lived in the reign of Tiberius, and seems to have written a work on botany.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ment of Pomponius with the inference that would naturally be drawn from the antithesis of Tacitus : Illi [Labeoni]. quod praeturam intra stetit, commendatio ex injuria, huic [Capitoni] quod consulatum adeptus est, odium ex invidia oriebatur. In A. D. 13, Capito was appointed to succeed Messalla in the important office of "curator aquarum publicarum," and this office he held to the time of his death. (Frontinus, de Aquaed. 102, ed Diederich.) Capito continued in favour under Tiberius. In A. D. 15, after a formidable and mischievous inundation of the Tiber, he and Arruntius were intrusted with the task of keeping the river within its banks. They submitted to the senate whether it would not be expedient to divert the course of the tributary streams and lakes. Deputies from the coloniae and municipal towns, whose interests would have been affected by the change, were heard against the plan. Piso led the opposition, and the measure was rejected. (Tac. Ann. 1.76, 79.) The grammarian, A
D. 10 he was quaestor. After the death of Augustus, A. D. 14, (in whose praise he read a funeral oration before the rostra,) he was sent into Pannonia to quell the mutiny of the legions. This task he performed with address, and with the vigour of innate nobility. He ordered the execution of the leaders, and the superstitious fears produced in the minds of the soldiers by an opportune eclipse of the moon aided his efforts. (Tac. Ann. 1.24-30.) After his return to Rome, he was made consul in A. D. 15, and, at the gladiatorial games which he gave in co injunction with Germanicus (his brother by adoption), he made himself so remarkable by his sanguinary taste for vulgarblood, as even to offend the squeamishness of Roman spectators. (Ann. 1.76.) He degraded the dignity of his office by his excesses, and by his fondness for players, whom he encouraged in their factious riots, in opposition to his father's laws. In one of his ordinary ebullitions of passion, he pummelled a Roman knight, and,
Fala'nius a Roman eques, one of the first victims of the public accusers in the reign of Tiberius. He was charged, A. D. 15, with profaning the worship of Augustus Caesar, first by admitting a player of bad repute to the rites, and secondly by selling with his garden a statue of the deceased emperor. Tiberius acquitted Falanius, remarking that the gods were quite able to take care of their own honour. (Tac. Ann. 1.73; D. C. 57.24.) [W.B.D]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
e at the suppression of the mutiny among the German legions, anxiety on account of the indulgences by which it was bought, and the glory and popularity acquired by Germanicus. While he regarded his nephew and adopted son with suspicion and dislike, he commemorated his services in the senate in terms of elaborate, but manifestly insincere praise. The senate, in the absence of Germanicus, and during the continuance of the war, voted that he should have a triumph. In the beginning of spring, A. D. 15, he fell upon the Catti, burnt their chief town Mattium (Maden near Gudensberg), devastated the country, slaughtered the inhabitants, sparing neither woman nor child, and then returned to the Rhine. Soon afterwards a deputation arrived from Segestes applying for the assistance of the Roman general. Segestes had always espoused the cause of the Romans, and had quarrelled with his son-in-law, Arminius, the conqueror of Varus. He was now blockaded by his own people, who despised him for his se
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Gratus, Vale'rius procurator of Judaea from A. D. 15 to A. D. 27, and the immediate predecessor of Pontius Pilate. (J. AJ 18.6 ยง 5.) The government of Gratus is chiefly remarkable for the frequent changes he made in the appointment of the high-priesthood. He deposed Ananus, and substituted Ismael, son of Fabi, then Eleazar, son of Ananus, then Simon, son of Camith, and lastly Joseph Caiaphas, the son-in-law of Ananus. (Id. Antiq. 18.2.2.) He put down two formidable bands of robbers that infested Judaea during his government, and killed with his own hand the captain of one of them, Simon, formerly a slave of Herod the Great. (Id. Antiq. 17.0.6, 7; B. J. 2.4.2, 3.) Gratus assisted the proconsul Quintilius Varus in quelling an insurrection of the Jews. (B. J. 2.5.2.) [W.B.D
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