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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Joannes ARGYROPULUS (search)
ooks were not translated by him. 7. De Interpretatione. 8. Analytica Priora. 9. Analytica Posteriora, Libri II. 10. Epistola ad Alexandrum " in qua de libris ad methodum civilium sermonum spectantibus disseritur." The following edition contained versions of the above works of Aristotle by Argyropulus. Editions There is reason to think that this was printed at Florence about A. D. 1478, in which year the Commentarii taken down by Acciajuoli were printed : it was certainly printed at Rome A. D. 1492, and in the Latin edition of the works of Aristotle published by Gregorius de Gregoriis, 2 vols. fol. Venice, 1496. Some of his translations are reprinted in the volume of Latin versions which forms a sequel to Bekker's edition of Aristotle. Translations without known print versions Some of our authorities speak of the following works as having been translated by him, but we have not been able to trace them in print :-- 11. Political, Libri VIII.; and 12. Oeconomica, Libri II Edit