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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 1 1 Browse Search
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n the death of his brother John, A. D. 1448, George energetically disputed with the bishop of Cortona, the legate sent by Pope Nicholas V. to induce the new emperor to confirm the union of Florence; but fearing that his opposition would irritate the emperor, he retired into a monastery, which he had bound himself by a vow to do as early as his thirtieth year, but had hitherto been prevented by various circumstances from carrying into effect. When the pope renewed his efforts for the union (A. D. 1452), the Greek clergy, of whom the greater number and the most important were opposed to the union, were guided by the influence and advice of Gennadius; but the union was, notwithstanding their opposition, confirmed by the emperor. During the siege of Constantinople, Gennadius foretold the overthrow of the city and empire, as the penalty of their having betrayed the faith of their fathers. On the capture of the city by Mohammed II, Gennadius attempted to escape, but was brought back. The p