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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 13 13 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 10 10 Browse Search
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 7 7 Browse Search
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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 5 5 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 5 5 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 2 2 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 2 2 Browse Search
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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK I., CHAPTER III. (search)
formerly in the reign of TantalusTantalus lived about 1387, B. C. there were great earthquakes in Lydia and Ionia as far as the Troad,Lydia and Ionia form the modern provinces of Aidin and Sarukan in Anadoli. A part of the Troad still preserves the name of Troiaki. which swallowed up whole villages and overturned Mount Sipylus;A mountain in Mæonia, close to the city of Magnesia. marshes then became lakes, and the city of Troy was covered by the waters.Ilus, who ascended the throne about 1400 years before the Christian era, founded the city, to which he gave the name of Ilium. The old city of Troy stood on a hill, and was safe from the inundation. Pharos, near Egypt, which anciently was an island, may now be called a peninsula, and the same may be said of Tyre and Clazomenæ.These two cities were built on little islets adjoining the continent. Alexander connected them with the mainland by means of jetties. Clazomenæ was situated on the Gulf of Smyrna, near to a place now call
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK II., CHAPTER V. (search)
h, and according to Eratosthenes passes through Mysia,Karasi in Anadoli. Paphlagonia, Sinope,Sinoub. Hyrcania,Corcan and Daghistan. and Bactra.Balk. About Byzantium the longest day consists of fifteen and a quarter equinoctial hours; the proportion borne by the gnomon to the shadow at the summer solstice, is as 120 to 42, minus one-fifth. These places are distantTo the north. from the middle of Rhodes about 4900 stadia, and 30,300 from the equator. Sailing into the Euxine and advancing 1400 stadia to the north, the longest day is found to consist of fifteen and a half equinoctial hours. These places are equi-distant between the pole and equatorial circle; the arctic circle is at their zenith, the star in the neck of Cassiopeia is within this circle, the star forming the right elbow of Perseus being a little more to the north. In regions 3800 stadia north of Byzantium the longest day consists of sixteen equinoctial hours; the constellation Cassiopeia being brought withi
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK III., CHAPTER II. (search)
rther on are Astygis,Hodie Ecija on the Xenil. Carmo,Carmona. and Obulco; and besides these Munda,Monda, seven leagues west of Malaga. Ategua, Urso,Osuna. Tukkis,Hodie Martos, Pliny gave it the surname of Augusta Gemella. Julia,The Itucci of Pliny, to which he gives the surname Virtus Julia. and Ægua, where the sons of Pompey were defeated. None of these places are far from Corduba. Munda is in some sort regarded as the metropolis of the whole district. This place is distant from Carteia 1400We should probably read 430. stadia, and it was here that Cnæus fled after his defeat, and sailing thence landed on a rocky height overlooking the sea, where he was murdered. His brother Sextus, having escaped from Corduba, after carrying on the war for a short time in Spain, caused a revolt in Sicily. Flying thence into Asia he was seized at MiletusKramer, using the criticism of Lachmann, observes that this is a misreading for Midaium, and that a like mistake occurs in Appian. by the gene
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VII., FRAGMENTS. (search)
nd the Cyanean rocks it is, according to Artemidorus, 3100 stadia. The whole distance from Apollonia on the Ionian Gulf to Byzantium is 7320 stadia; Polybius makes this distance 180 stadia more, by the addition of a third of a stadium to the sum of 8 stadia, which compose a mile. Demetrius of Skepsis, in his account of the disposition of the Trojan forces, says that it is 700 stadia from Perinthus to Byzantium, and the same distance to Parium. He makes the length of the Propontis to be 1400 and the breadth 500 stadia; the narrowest part also of the Hellespont to be 7 stadia, and the length 400. E. All writers do not agree in their description of the Hellespont, and many opinions are advanced on the subject. Some describe the Propontis to be the Hellespont; others, that part of the Propontis which is to the south of Perinthus; others include a part of the exterior sea which opens to the Ægæan and the Gulf Melas, each assigning different limits. Some make their measureme
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VIII., CHAPTER II. (search)
CHAPTER II. THE Peloponnesus resembles in figure the leaf of a plane tree.For the same reason, at a subsequent period, it obtained the name of Morea, in Greek (Moo|e/a) which signifies mulberry, a species or variety of which tree bears leaves divided into five lobes—equal in number to the five principal capes of the Peloponnesus. See book ii. ch. i. 30. Its length and breadth are nearly equal, each about 1400 stadia. The former is reckoned from west to east, that is, from the promontory Chelonatas through Olympia and the territory Megalopolitis to the isthmus; the latter from south to north, or from Maliæ though Arcadia to Ægium. The circumference, according to Polybius, exclusive of the circuit of the bays, is 4000 stadia. Artemidorus however adds to this 400 stadia, and if we include the measure of the bays, it exceeds 5600 stadia. We have already said that the isthmus at the road where they draw vessels over-land from one sea to the other is 40 stadia across. Eleia
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VIII., CHAPTER VIII. (search)
, as it is called, a dripping spring of poisonous water, which was esteemed to be sacred. So much then respecting Arcadia. 5.The following section is corrupt in the original; it is translated according to the corrections proposed by Kramer, Gosselin, &c. Polybius having said, that from Maleæ towards the north as far as the Danube the distance is about 10,000 stadia, is corrected by Artemidorus, and not without reason; for, according to the latter, from Maleæ to Ægium the distance is 1400 stadia, from hence to Cirrha is a distance by sea of 200 stadia; hence by Heraclea to Thaumaci a journey of 500 stadia; thence to Larisa and the river Peneus, 340 stadia; then through Tempe to the mouth of the Peneus, 240 stadia; then to Thessalonica, 660 stadia; then to the Danube, through Idomene, and Stobi, and Dardanii, it is 3200 stadia. According to Artemidorus, therefore, the distance from the Danube to Maleæ would be 6500. The cause of this difference is that he does not give t
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XI., CHAPTER VII. (search)
sterile. HyrcaniaSee b. ii. c. i. § 14. is very fertile, and extensive, consisting for the most part of plains, and has considerable cities dispersed throughout it, as Talabroce, Samariane, Carta, and the royal residence, Tape,These names have here probably undergone some change. Talabroce may be the Tambrace or Tembrax of Polybius; Samariane, the Soconax of Ptolemy; Carta, Zadra-Carta; and Tape, the Syrinx of Polybius. which is said to be situated a little above the sea, and distant 1400 stadia from the Caspian Gates. The following facts are narrated as indications of the fertility of the country.The text is here corrupt. The vine produces a metretesAbout 7 gallons. of wine; the fig-tree sixty medimni About 12 gallons. of fruit; the corn grows from the seed which falls out of the stalk; bees make their hives in the trees, and honey drops from among the leaves. This is the case also in the territory of Matiane in Media, and in the Sacasene, and Araxene of Armenia.B. ii.
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XII., CHAPTER III. (search)
amsun. distinguished for their learning were the mathematicians Demetrius, the son of Rathenus, and Dionysodorus, of the same name as the Ionian (Milesian?) geometrician, and Tyrannion the grammarian, whose lessons I attended. Next to Sidene is PharnaciaAccording to Arrian, Pharnacia in his time was the name of Cerasus (Kerasun). a small fortified city, and then follows Trapezus,Trebisond. a Greek city, to which from Amisus is a voyage of about 2200 stadia; thence to the Phasis about 1400 stadia, so that the sum total of stadia from the HieronThe temple of Jupiter near Chalcedon. to the Phasis is about 8000 stadia, either more or less. In sailing along this coast from Amisus we first come to the Heracleian promontory;To the west of the mouth of the Termeh. then succeeds another promontory, Jasonium,Jasun. and the Genetes;C. Vona. then Cytorus (Cotyorus) a small city,Ordu. from which Pharnacia received a colony; then Ischopolis, which is in ruins. Next is a bay on which are
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XIV., CHAPTER VI. (search)
on the north by the extremities of Cilicia Tracheia, of Pamphylia, and of Lycia as far as the territory opposite to Rhodes; on the west, by the island of Rhodes; on the east, by the part of Cyprus near Paphos, and the Acamas; on the south, it unites with the Egyptian sea. The circumference of Cyprus is 3420 stadia, including the winding of the bays. Its length from CleidesThe Clides, off Cape Andrea. to the Acamas,Cape Arnauti. to a traveller on land proceeding from east to west, is 1400 stadia. The Cleides are two small islands lying in front of Cyprus on the eastern side, at the distance of 700 stadia from the Pyramus.Dschehan-Tschai. The Acamas is a promontory with two paps, and upon it is a large forest. It is situated at the western part of the island, but extends towards the north, approaching very near Selinus in Cilicia Tracheia, for the passage across is only 1000 stadia; to Side in Pamphylia the passage is 1600 stadia, and to the Chelidoniæ (islands) 1900 sta
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XVI., CHAPTER II. (search)
CHAPTER II. SYRIA is bounded on the north by Cilicia and the mountain Amanus; from the sea to the bridge on the Euphrates (that is, from the Issic Bay to the Zeugma in Commagene) is a distance of 1400 stadia, and forms the above-mentioned (northern) boundary; on the east it is bounded by the Euphrates and the Arabian Scenitæ, who live on this side the Euphrates; on the south, by Arabia Felix and Egypt; on the west, by the Egyptian and Syrian Seas as far as Issus. Beginning from Cilicia and Mount Amanus, we set down as parts of Syria, Commagene, and the Seleucis of Syria, as it is called, then Cœle-Syria, lastly, on the coast, Phœnicia, and in the interior, Judæa. Some writers divide the whole of Syria into Cœlo-Syrians, Syrians, and Phœnicians, and say that there are intermixed with these four other nations, Jews, Idumæans, Gazæans, and Azotii, some of whom are husbandmen, as the Syrians and Cœlo-Syrians, and others merchants, as the Phœnicians. This is the