Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for May, 11 AD or search for May, 11 AD in all documents.

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Baltimore, Nov. 6.--Arrived, schr. Hannah Martin, Richmond. Bermuda.--Schr. R B. Bean, from Richmond for Rio de Janeiro, had completed her repairs at Bermuda, and re-loaded 25th ult. She was to leave for Rio in a day or two. Providence, Sept. 3.--Cleared, schr. Merrill, Norfolk. Rockland, Oct. 28.--Sailed, schr. J. Achorn, Richmond. Boston, Nov. 3.--Arrived schr. Sea Witch, Norfolk. London, Oct. 24.--Arrived, ship Peperill, Richmond. Alexandria, Nov. 5.--Arrived, schrs. Bulah, White Squall and J. D. McCarthy, Norfolk.
Severe gale at New Haven. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 5. --A severe gale from the East visited the city last evening, commencing about 5 o'clock, and ending about 11 o'clock. Many trees were prostrated, and the steeple of the Wooster Place Church (Second Baptist) was thrown upon the square. Its height was 240 feet. The bell, porch, entablature columns and other front works also fell, crushing the iron fence around the church, but doing little other damage. Had the steeple fell to the north or south, it would have crushed two or three private mansions. The loss is four or five thousand dollars. Young Stafford, who was stabbed by the student Belden, died at 7 o'clock this evening.
A colored Burglar shot. Newburyport, Vt., Nov. 5 --A colored man giving the name of Jas. F. Pickering, late of California, was shot dead last night while robbing a dwelling house. Numerous burglaries have recently greatly excited our citizens.
Fire at Springfield. Springfield, Mass., Nov. 5. --The finishing mill of the Parsons Paper Company, at Holyoke, was nearly all burned to-day. Loss $50,000, one-half of which is insured at Springfield, Hartford and New Haven. The manufacturing mill was unharmed.
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Emperor Napoleon and the American Minister. (search)
Post-office Robbery. Holliday's, Pa., Nov. 5 --John A. McCormick, assistant postmaster at Newry, Blair county, has been arrested on the charge of robbing the mails.