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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 11 11 Browse Search
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 10 10 Browse Search
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J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War 1 1 Browse Search
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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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s to Sardis in consequence of the services he had rendered to an embassy sent by Croesus to consult the Delphic oracle. On his arrival at Sardis, Croesus made him a present of as much gold as he could carry out of the treasury. Alcmaeon took the king at his word, by putting on a most capacious dress, the folds of which (as well as the vacant space of a pair of very wide boots, also provided for the occasion) he stuffed with gold, and then filled his mouth and hair with gold dust. Croesus laughed at the trick, and presented him with as much again (about 590 B. C.). The wealth thus acquired is said to have contributed greatly to the subsequent prosperity of the Alcmaeonidae. (Hdt. 6.125.) Alclmaeon was a breeder of horses for chariotraces, and on one occasion gained the prize in a chariot-race at Olympia. (Herod. l.c. ; Isocrates, de Bigis, c. 10. p. 351.) We are informed by Plutarch (Plut. Sol. c. 11), that he commanded the Athenians in the Cirrhaean war, which began B. C. 600. [P.S]
lous accounts, are given by the Armenian historians. II. SEVEN GOVERNORS Seven governors appointed by Alexander, and after his death by the Seleucidae, during the period from 328 to 149 B. C. III. DYNASTY OF THE ARSACIDAE From B. C. 149 to A. D. 428. See below. IV. PERSIAN GOVERNORS From A. D. 428 to 625. V. GREEK AND ARABIAN GOVERNORS from A. D. 632 to 855. VI. DYNASTY OF THE PAGRATIDAE from 855 to 1079. The Pagratidae, a noble family of Jewish origin, settled in Armenia in B. C. 600, according to the Armenian historians. They were one of the most powerful families in Armenia. After they had come to the throne, they sometimes were compelled to pay tribute to the khalifs and to the emperors of Constantinople, and in later times they lost a considerable part of Armenia. A branch of this family reigned at Kars for a considerable time after 1079. Another branch acquired the kingdom of Georgia, which it possessed down to the present day, when the last king, David, ceded his
RTEMIS, p. 376a.]; and it would seem, that there was already at that distant period some temple to the goddess. (Paus. 7.2.4.) We are not told what had become of this temple, when, about the beginning of the 6th century B. C., the Ionian Greeks undertook the erection of a new temple, which was intended for the centre of their national worship, like the temple of Hera at Samos, which was built about the same time by the Dorian colonies. The preparation of the foundations was commenced about B. C. 600. To guard against earthquakes, a marsh was chosen for the site of the temple, and the ground was made firm by layers of charcoal rammed down, over which were laid fleeces of wool. This contrivance was suggested by Theodorus of Samos. [THEODORUS.] The work proceeded very slowly. The erection of the columns did not take place till about 40 years later. (B. C. 560.) This date is fixed by the statement of Herodotus (1.92), that most of the pillars were presented by Croesus. This therefore is t
Smyrna, others of Astypalaea (it is not specified which of the places of that name) as his native city. (Suidas, s. v. *Mi/mermnos.) He was generally called a Colophonian (Strab. xiv. p.643); but from a fragment of his poem entitled Nanno it appears that he was descended from those Colophonians who reconquered Smyrna from the Aeolians (Strab. xiv. p.634), and that, strictly speaking, Smyrna was his birthplace. Mimnermus flourished from about B. C. 634 to the age of the seven sages (about B. C. 600). He was a contemporary of Solon, who, in an extant fragment of one of his poems, addresses him as still living (Diog. Laert. 1.60; Bergk, Poetae Lyrici Graeci, p. 331). No other biographical particulars respecting him have come down to us, except what is mentioned in a fragment of Hermesianax (Athen. 13.597) of his love for a flute-player named Nanno, who does not seem to have returned his affection. Works Elegies The numerous compositions of Mimnermus (Suidas, who calls him *Mi/merm
and several of the most extraordinary works in the East, which were extant in a later age, and the authors of which were unknown, were ascribed by popular tradition to this queen. In Nineveh she erected a tomb for her husband, nine stadia high, and ten wide; she built the city of Babylon * Herodotus only once mentions Semiramis (1.184), where he states that she was a queen of Babylon, who lived five generations before Nitocris, and dammed up the Euphrates. As Nitocris probably lived about B. C. 600, it has been maintained that this Semiramis must be a different person from the Semiramis of Ctesias. But there is no occasion to suppose two different queens of the name; the Semiramis of Herodotus is probably as fabulous as that of Ctesias, and merely arose from the practice we have noticed above, of assigning the great works in the East of unknown authorship to a queen of this name. with all its wonders, as well as many other towns on the Euphrates and the Tigris, and she constructed t
f Susarion there was, no doubt, practised, at Icaria and the other Attic villages, that extempore jesting and buffoonery which formed a marked feature of the festivals of Dionysus; but Susarion was the first who so regulated this species of amusement, as to lay the foundation of Comedy, properly so called. The time at which this important step was taken can be determined within pretty close limits. The Megaric comedy appears to have flourished, in its full developement, about Ol. 45 or 46, B. C. 600 and onwards; and it was introduced by Susarion into Attica between Ol. 50 and 54, B. C. 580-564. (Plut. Sol. 10; Marm. Par. Ep. 39; Meineke, Hist. Crit. Com. Graec. pp. 19, 20.) The Megaric comedy appears to have consisted chiefly in coarse and bitter personal jests, and broad buffoonery, and this character it retained long after its offspring, the Attic comedy, had be come more refined. (Meineke, pp. 20-24.) That the comedy of Susarion partook of a like rudeness and buffoonery might rea
of Croesus and Polycrates. This also agrees with the story told by Diogenes of the connection of the first Theodorus, the son of Rhoecus, with the laying of the foundation of the temple of Artemis at Ephesus, which was probably commenced about B. C. 600. [CHERSIPHON.] The most probable conclusion, then, (for anything like certainty is clearly unattainable,) we think to be this : that the genealogy and dates given under Rhoecus are tolerably correct : that Rhoecus was the inventor of the castinr has introduced the words " qui labyrinthum fecit." To sum up the whole, it seems probable that there were two ancient Samian artists named Theodoras, namely : -- Theodo'rus 1. The son of Rhoecus, and brother of Telecles, flourished about B. C. 600, and was an architect, a statuary in bronze, and a sculptor in wood. He wrote a work on the Heraeum at Samos, in the erection of which it may therefore be supposed that he was engaged as well as his father. Or, considering the time which such a
Theodo'rus 1. The son of Rhoecus, and brother of Telecles, flourished about B. C. 600, and was an architect, a statuary in bronze, and a sculptor in wood. He wrote a work on the Heraeum at Samos, in the erection of which it may therefore be supposed that he was engaged as well as his father. Or, considering the time which such a building would occupy, the treatise may perhaps be ascribed to the younger Theodorus. He was also engaged, with his father, in the erection of the labyrinth of Lemnos ; and he prepared the foundation of the temple of Artemis at Ephesus. We would also ascribe to him the old Scias at Sparta. In conjunction with his brother Telecles, he made the wooden statue of Apollo Pythius for the Samians, according to the fixed rules of the hieratic style.
s, like those of Alcaeus, are inseparably connected with the political events of his time and city. The little state of Megara had been for some time before the poet's birth the scene of great political convulsions. After shaking off the yoke of Corinth, it had remained for a time under the nobles, until about the year B. C. 630, when Theagenes, placing himself at the head of the popular party, acquired the tyranny of the state, from which he was again driven by a counter revolution, about B. C. 600 [THEAGENES]. The popular party, into whose hands the power soon fell again, governed temperately for a time, but afterwards they oppressed the noble and rich, entering their houses, and demanding to eat and drink luxuriously, and enforcing their demand when it was refused; and at last passing a decree that the interest paid on money lent should be refunded (palintoki/a, Plut. Quaest. Graec. 18, p. 295). They alto banished many of the chief men of the city ; but the exiles returned, and res