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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 13 13 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 3 3 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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ians set up his statue in the Acropolis (Paus. 1.25.1), and the Teians struck his portrait on their coins. (Visconti, Icon. Grecque, pl. 3.6.) The place of his death, however, is uncertain. The second epitaph of Simonides appears to say clearly that he was buried at Teos, whither he is supposed to have returned after the death of Hipparchus (B. C. 514); but there is also a tradition that, after his return to Teos, he fled a second time to Abdera, in consequence of the revolt of Histiaeus. (B. C. 495; Suidas, s. v. *)Anakre/wn and *Te/w.) This tradition has, however, very probably arisen from a confusion with the original emigration of the Teians to Abdera. The universal tradition of antiquity represents Anacreon as a most consummate voluptuary; and his poems prove the truth of the tradition. Though Athenaeus (x. p. 429) thought that their drunken tone was affected, arguing that the poet must have been tolerably sober while in the act of writing, it is plain that Anacreon sings of lo
, and being vehemently opposed by most of his countrymen, withdrew with a large train of followers to Rome. (B. C. 504.) He was forthwith received into the ranks of the patricians, and lands beyond the Anio were assigned to his followers, who were formed into a new tribe, called the Claudian. (Liv. 2.16, 4.3, 10.8; Dionys. A. R. 5.40, 11.15; Sueton. Tib. 1; Tac. Ann. 11.24, 12.25; Niebuhr, i. p. 560.) He exhibited the characteristics which marked his descendants, and, in his consulship (B. C. 495), shewed great severity towards the plebeian debtors. (Liv. 2.21, 23, 24, 27; Dionys. A. R. 6.23, 24, 27, 30.) Next year, on the refusal of the commons to enlist, we find him proposing the appointment of a dictator. (Liv. 2.29.) We find him manifesting the same bitter hatred of the plebs at the time of the secession to the Mons Sacer, in B. C. 494 (Dionys. A. R. 6.59, &c.), of the famine in 493 (Dionys. A. R. 7.15), and of the impeachment of Coriolanus. (Dionys. A. R. 7.47, &c.) He is made
De'cius 1. M. Decius, one of the deputies sent to the senate by the plebeians during their secession to the sacred mount in B. C. 495. (Dionys. A. R. 6.88.)
Laeto'rius 1. M. Laetorius, a centurion primi pili, mentioned as the first plebeian magistrate, B. C. 495, chosen even before the secession to the Sacred Hill and the election of the first tribunes of the people; for there cannot be any doubt that this Laetorius was a plebeian, although it is not exactly stated by Livy (2.27). He was chosen to establish a guild of merchants (collegium mercatorum), to dedicate a temple of Mercury, and to superintend the corn market. From these functions it is probable that he was aedile, and the conclusion is obvious that the establishment of the plebeian aedileship preceded that of the tribuneship. (Comp. V. Max. 9.3.6.)
Mercu'rius a Roman divinity of commerce and gain, probably one of the dii lucrii. The character of the god is clear from his name, which is connected with merx and mercari. (Paul. Diac. p. 124, ed. Müller; Schol. ad Pers. Sat. 5.112.) A temple was built to him as early as B. C. 495 (Liv. 2.21, 27; Ov. Fast. 5.669), near the Circus Maximus (P. Vict. Reg. Urb. xi.); and an altar of the god existed near the Porta Capena, by the side of a well; and in later times a temple seems to have been built on the same spot. (Ov. Fast. 5.673; P. Vict. Reg. Urb. i.) Under the name of the ill-willed (malevolus), he had a statue in what was called the vices sobrius, or the sober street, in which no shops were allowed to be kept, and milk was offered to him there instead of wine. (Fest. pp. 161, 297, ed. Miller.) This statue had a purse in its hand, to indicate his functions. (Schol. ad Pers. l.c.) His festival was celebrated on the 25th of May, and chiefly by merchants, who also visited the well near
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Priscus, Servi'lius 1. P. Servilius Priscus Structus, consul B. C. 495 with Ap. Claudius Sabinus Regillensis. This year was memorable in the annals by the death of king Tarquin. The temple of Mercury was also dedicated in this year, and additional colonists were led to the colony of Signia, which had been founded by Tarquin. The consuls carried on war against the Volscians with success, and took the town of Suessa Pometia; and Priscus subsequently defeated both the Sabines and Aurunci. In the struggles between the patricians and plebeians respecting the law of debt, Priscus was inclined to espouse the side of the latter, and published a proclamation favourable to the plebeians; but as he was unable to assist them in opposition to his colleague and the whole body of the patricians, he incurred the enmity of both parties. Further Information Liv. 2.21-27; Dionys. A. R. 6.23-32 ; V. Max. 9.3.6; Plin. Nat. 35.3.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
times, thus indicating the increase or diminution of the honours of the gens (Plin. Nat. 34.13. s. 38). The Servilia gens was very celebrated during the early ages of the republic, and the names of few gentes appear more frequently at this period in the consular Fasti. It continued to produce men of influence in the state down to the latest times of the republic, and even in the imperial period. The first member of the gens who obtained the consulship was P. Servilius Priscus Structus, in B. C. 495, and the last of the name who appears in the consular Fasti is Q. Servilius Silanus, in A. D. 189, thus occupying a prominent position in the Roman state for nearly seven hundred years. The Servilii were divided into numerous families; of these the names in the republican period are :--AHALA, AXILLA, CAEPIO, CASCA, GEMINUS, GLAUCIA, GLOBULUS, PRISCUS (with the agnomen Filenas), RULL'US, STRUCTUS, TUCCA, VATIA (with the agnomen Isauricus). The cognomens of the Servilii under the empire are
escribed by the poet, in his last and greatest work, in a manner which shows how powerful an influence his birth-place exercised on the whole current of his genius. The date of his birth, according to his anonymous biographer, was in Ol. 71. 2, B. C. 495; but the Parian Marble places it one year higher, B. C. 496. Most modern writers prefer the former date, on the ground of its more exact agreement with the other passages in which the poet's age is referred to (see Clinton, F. H. s. a. ; Müller, Hist. Lit. p. 337, Eng. trans.). But those passages, when closely examined, will be found hardly sufficient to determine so nice a point as the difference of a few months. With this remark by way of caution, we place the birth of Sophocles at B. C. 495, five years before the battle of Marathon, so that he was about thirty years younger than Aeschylus, and fifteen years older than Euripides. (The anonymous biographer also mentions these differences, but his numbers are obviously corrupt.) Hi
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
e Roman annalists (Dionys. l.c.), and to Varro (ap. Non. p. 43), for the number of twenty-six. Moreover Livy, when he speaks of the whole number of the tribes in B. C. 495, says that they were made twenty-one in that year. (Liv. 2.21; comp. Dionys. A. R. 7.64.) Hence the statements of Fabius Pictor and Varro might appear to be doubdia migrated to Rome. (Liv. 2.16.) It would appear that an entirely new distribution of the tribes became necessary, and this was probably carried into effect in B. C. 495, soon after the battle of the lake of Regillus. In fact the words of Livy (2.21) already referred to state as much, for he does not say that before this year theolished by Servius, and that the *fulai\ topikai\ were established in their place. (Dionys. A. R. 4.14.) Secondly, it is certain that all the tribes of the year B. C. 495, with the exception of the Crustumina, take their names from patrician gentes. Thirdly, the establishment of the Claudian tribe, consisting as it did mainly of t
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
eat loss near Cures, that they were obliged to sue for peace, and surrender to the Romans a large portion of their land. Cassius in consequence obtained a triumph on his return to Rome, which is confirmed by the Capitoline Fasti. Livy, on the other hand, says (2.17) nothing about a war with the Sabines, but relates that the two consuls carried on war against the Aurunci, and took Pometia. But as the war against the Aurunci aud the capture of Pometia is repeated by Livy (2.22, 25, 26) under B. C. 495, these events ought probably to be placed in the latter year, in accordance with Dionysius (6.29). In the following year, B. C. 501, Cassius was appointed first magister equitum to the first dictator, T. Larcius Flavus; but in some authorities a different year is given for the first dictatorship. After the battle of the lake Regillus in B. C. 498 or 496, Cassius is said to have urged in the senate the destruction of the Latin towns. (Liv. 2.18; Dionys. A. R. 5.75, 6.20.) In B. C. 493 he