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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 21 21 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
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Ae'aces 2. The son of Syloson, and the grandson of the preceding, was tyrant of Samos, but was deprived of his tyranny by Aristagoras, when the Ionians revolted from the Persians, B. C. 500. He then fled to the Persians, and induced the Samians to abandon the other Ionians in the sea-fight between the Persians and Ionians. After this battle, in which the latter were defeated, he was restored to the tyranny of Samos by the Persians, B. C. 494. (Hdt. 4.138, 6.13, 14, 25.)
L. Albi'nius 1. One of the tribunes of the plebs, at the first institution of the office, B. C. 494. (Liv. 2.33.) Asconius calls him L. Albinius C. F. Paterculus. (In Cic. Cornel. p. 76, ed. Orelli.)
Anaxila'us (*)Anaci/laos) or ANA'XILAS (*)Anaci/las), tyrant of RHEGIUM, was the son of Cretines, and of Messenian origin. He was master of Rhegium in B. C. 494, when the Samians and other Ionian fugitives seized upon Zancle. Shortly afterwards he drove them out of this town, peopled it with fresh inhabitants, and changed its name into Messene. (Hdt. 6.22, 23; Thuc. 6.4; comp. Aristot. Pol. 5.10.4.) In 480 he obtained the assistance of the Carthaginians for his father-in-law, Terillus of Himera, against Theron. (Hdt. 7.165.) The daughter of Anaxilaus was married to Hiero. (Schol. ad Pind. Pyth. 1.112.) Anaxilaus died in 476, leaving Micythus guardian of his children, who obtained possession of their inheritance in 467, but was soon afterwards deprived of the sovereignty by the people. (Diod. 11.48, 66, 76.) The chronology of Anaxilaus has been discussed by Bentley (Diss. on Phalaris, p. 105, &c., ed. of 1777), who has shewn that the Anaxilaus of Pausanias (4.23.3) is the same as the
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Bellutus, C. Sici'nius was the leader of the plebs in their secession to the Sacred Mountain, B. C. 494, and was afterwards one of the first tribunes of the plebs elected in that year. (Liv. 2.32, 33; Dionys. A. R. 6.45, 70, 72, 82, 89.) He was plebeian aedile in 492 (Dionys. A. R. 7.14), and tribune again in 491, when he distinguished himself by his attacks upon Coriolanus, who was brought to trial in that year. (Dionys. A. R. 7.33-39, 61.) Asconius calls him (in Cornel. p. 76, ed. Orelli) L. Sicinius L. f. Bellutus. It is most probable that his descendants, one of whom we are expressly told was tribune in B. C. 449 (Liv. 3.54), also bore the cognomen Bellutus; but as they are not mentioned by this name in ancient writers, they are given under SICINIUS.
Brutus 4. L. Junius Brutus, one of the leaders of the plebeians in their secession to the Sacred Mount, B. C. 494, is represented by Dionysius as a plebeian, who took the surname of Brutus, that his name might be exactly the same as the first consul's. He was, according to the same authority, chosen one of the first tribunes of the plebs in this year, and also plebeian aedile in the year that Coriolanus was brought to trial. (Dionys. A. R. 6.70, &c., 87-89, 7.14, 26.) This Brutus is not mentioned by any ancient writer except Dionysius, and Plutarch (Plut. Cor. 7) who copies from him. The old reading in Asconius (in Cornel. p. 76, ed. Orelli) made L. Junius C. F. Paterculus one of the first tribunes; but Junius was an alteration made by Manutius, and Paterculus nowhere occurs as a cognomen of the Junia gens: the true reading is Albinius. [ALBINIUS.] Niebuhr supposes (i. p. 617) that this L. Junius Brutus of Dionysius is an entirely fictitious person.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Caeliomonta'nus (search)
Caeliomonta'nus 2. A. Virginius Tricostus Caeliomontanus, A. F., called by Dionysius A. Virginius Montanus, consul B. C. 494, the year in which the plebs seceded to the Sacred Mountain. Previous to the secession he had marched against the Volsci, whom he had defeated in battle, and had taken one of their chief towns, Velitrae. He is mentioned by Dionysius as one of the ten envoys sent by the senate to treat with the plebs. (Liv. 2.28-30 ; Dionys. A. R. 6.34, 42, 69; Ascon. in Cornel. p. 76, ed. Orelli.)
oth of Sicyon, and probably grandfather and grandson. This was first suggested by Schorn (Ueb. d. Stud. d. Griech. Künstler, p. 199) and adopted by Thiersch (Epoch. Anm. pp. 38-44), K. O. Müller, and Böckh. The work which must have been finished B. C. 480, was a colossal statue of Apollo Philesius at Miletus, this statue having been carried to Ecbatana by Xerxes after his defeat in Greece, B. C. 479. Müller (Kunstblatt, 1821, N. 16) thinks, that this statue cannot have been executed before B. C. 494, at which time Miletus was destroyed and burnt by Dareius; but Thiersch (l.c.) shews that the colossus might very well have escaped the general ruin, and therefore needs not have been placed there after the destruction of the city. Finding that all indications point to the interval between O1. 60 and 68 (B. C. 540-508), he has given these 32 years as the time during which Canachus flourished. Thus the age of our artist coincides with that of Callon, whose contemporary he is called by Pausa
Charondas (*Xarw/ndas), a lawgiver of Catana, who legislated for his own and the other cities of Chalcidian origin in Sicily and Italy. (Aristot. Pol. 2.10.) Now, these were Zancle, Naxos, Leontini, Euboea, Mylae, Himera, Callipolis, and Rhegium. He must have lived before the time of Anaxilaus, tyrant of Rhegium, i. e. before B. C. 494, for the Rhegians used the laws of Charondas till they were abolished by Anaxilaus, who, after a reign of eighteen years, died B. C. 476. These facts sufficiently refute the common account of Charondas, as given by Diodorus (12.12) : viz. that after Thurii was founded by the people of the ruined city of Sybaris, the colonists chose Charondas, " the best of their fellow-citizens," to draw up a code of laws for their use. For Thurii, as we have seen, is not included among the Chalcidian cities, and the date of its foundation is B. C. 443. It is also demonstrated by Bentley (Phalaris, p. 367, &c.), that the laws which Diodorus gives as those drawn up by C
Cicuri'nus 2. T. Veturius Geminus Cicurinus, consul B. C. 494 with A. Virginius Tricostus Caeliomantanus, in which year the plebs seceded to the sacred mountain, and the tribunate of the plebs was established. Cicurinus was sent against the Aequi, who invaded the Latin territory this year; but they retired at his approach, and took refuge in the mountains. (Liv. 2.28-30; Dionys. A. R. 6.34; Ascon. in Cornel. p. 76, ed. Orelli.)
o his followers, who were formed into a new tribe, called the Claudian. (Liv. 2.16, 4.3, 10.8; Dionys. A. R. 5.40, 11.15; Sueton. Tib. 1; Tac. Ann. 11.24, 12.25; Niebuhr, i. p. 560.) He exhibited the characteristics which marked his descendants, and, in his consulship (B. C. 495), shewed great severity towards the plebeian debtors. (Liv. 2.21, 23, 24, 27; Dionys. A. R. 6.23, 24, 27, 30.) Next year, on the refusal of the commons to enlist, we find him proposing the appointment of a dictator. (Liv. 2.29.) We find him manifesting the same bitter hatred of the plebs at the time of the secession to the Mons Sacer, in B. C. 494 (Dionys. A. R. 6.59, &c.), of the famine in 493 (Dionys. A. R. 7.15), and of the impeachment of Coriolanus. (Dionys. A. R. 7.47, &c.) He is made by Dionysius (8.73, &c.) to take a prominent part in opposing the agrarian law of Sp. Cassius. According to Pliny (Plin. Nat. 35.3) he was the first who set up images of his ancestors in a public temple (that of Bellona).
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